the Rift

[OPEN] On a tree in the garden I carved your name

Shida Posts: 109
Deceased atk: 3.5 | def: 7 | dam: 6
Filly :: Unicorn :: 16 :: 3 (ages in Birdsong) HP: 62.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Princess :: Common Hellhound :: Hellfire Odd

Delicate as FUCK
"What the"

So Ma appears the other day, and now Auri is here? Has someone clipped some sort of honing beacon onto my ass? Casually, I look through Princess' eyes to make sure. I mean, my tail is so matted that I actually wouldn't be that surprised. But sure enough, nothing is there.

So how the dick is this even happening? How are they just all...back.

I don't rush down to her the way Ma did to me. I'm still pissed, but I guess not so much at Auri. It isn't her fault. If anything, fireballs (aka Gaucho) should have been more diligent and found her too. Hauled her and me to the Throat. At least then we would be together.

"Auri-" I shout from my position on a particularly large sand dune. She almost ... doesn't look like herself. I mean, we've obviously both grown, but shit son. I'm still fairly chubby and just whatever, but Auri looks a whole lot like Ma, minus the scars and missing eye and whatnot. Girl looks good, especially given that we've been abandoned and whatnot.

"Where in the fuck have you even been?" I ask in my usual obnoxious way. She feels like a stranger, and whatever closeness was once between us feels really far away. Still, I amble down towards her, bright blue eyes trained on her without moving. She's my sister, my twin. Ain't nothing can change that, but even so ... idk. This all just feels weird. Like ... what do we do now?

Princess sits at my heels. His black and scary face actually looks rather sympathetic. It's probably because there's so much what the fuck filling my mind, that it's spilling over to him. I look to him casually, exhaling in his direction before focusing back on my back-from-the-dead twin.

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RE: On a tree in the garden I carved your name - by Shida - 11-28-2015, 10:59 AM

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