the Rift

[OPEN] On a tree in the garden I carved your name

Auriel Posts: 122
Outcast atk: 4.5 | def: 7.5 | dam: 7
Mare :: Hybrid :: 16.2 Hands :: 3 (Ages Birdsong) HP: 66 | Buff: NOVICE
I sniffled a bit as Shida spoke, but for the most part, my crying fit was over and under control. I ignore the pang of jealousy I felt when she said the fire-lord found her and not me, and instead focus on the fact that Mom was looking out for us. Well, trying to, despite it being fairly indirect.

My gaze hardened when she nosed toward the island, it's looming walls ominous against the aquamarine waters. "That's kind of a dick move," I mumble, eyeing the wall and water that separated it from the mainland. "They couldn't think of a better way to keep you guys safe without inconveniencing those without wings? Seriously?" I flick my pale tail and huff out a cloud of onyx smoke. No one gets to inconvenience my sister except for me (but I've already stretched that right a bit too far for now).

My anger subsided hearing Princess bark. I smiled at him, blowing a cloud of smoke in his direction. I was glad Shida had someone more reliable than myself to stand by her side. I continue to watch Princess as Shida spoke of Dad. So he sold us out, huh? I sigh, a frown etching its way onto my pink lips. I don't cry this time. Maybe later, but for now my other emotions still outweigh my desire to collapse and cry for a few hours.

My light amber eyes flick up to Shida when she speaks of mom. Relief floods my body, but it's soon replaced by more anxiety. Mom's looking for me. I look back to Princess, unsure of where else to look. "I guess I should go see her," I whispered, deciding that finding Dad and kicking his ass (woah, two bad words. I guess this is adulthood) will have to wait till later. But so will finding Mom.

"Do you like it here?" I ask, my brow furrowed. If Mom had come here and Shida hadn't left then there must be something keeping her here. Or, on the contrary, something keeping her away, tucked amongst the sand dunes?
she belongs to the fire
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She walks in starlight in another world.
She is far away. She...she is far, far away from me.

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RE: On a tree in the garden I carved your name - by Auriel - 11-28-2015, 04:22 PM

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