the Rift

[PRIVATE] I'm glad you're alive now let me fucking kill you

Ampere The Mother of Companions Posts: 719
Dragon's Throat Sultana atk: 9 | def: 11 | dam: 4.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14 hh :: 6 years HP: 73 | Buff: DANCE
Kygo :: Green Cheek Conure :: None Blu


Perhaps some mares were capable of doing their normal herd tasks and raising children. Maybe Sohalia had been, but Ampere was not a mother by instinct, seen well enough by how lax she tended her son. Certainly they had their tended moments, her times of careful teaching, but she often acted as if he were a friend more than her child - had that attitude been what caused his premature ease with battle, or had her failure to pay attention been the cause? She was also certain though, that few horses carried as many titles as she did, plus a secret organization.

Ampere loved her work. The constant drive to fulfill duties, to sweat and toil and see something grow because of it, she had just never figured out how to put that same work ethic into relationships. Fulfilling tasks was one thing, but nurturing another horse and the ties that joined them was quite another. Gaucho somehow seemed to excel at both, a point that made Ampere feel no better about her inabilities in this moment. He was Sultan and then some, after all he dealt with her on a daily basis.

His question turned her back towards him, reluctant as she was. Though, as her head moved, her eyes seemed to remain distant, unseeing him until finally she gave another hard sigh. This was not easy; it never was with her.
With the last return of her attention upon him, the blue of her eyes flicking up towards his strong, storm-steel ones, she was prepared to answer him. What she did not expect was the uncertainty that his features mirrored. She would have heard it if she'd been of the mind, but that still might not have fortified her for the remnants of doubt in Gaucho. Her breath hitched, sure she'd utterly and completely failed him now too. She went to speak, but couldn't, her breath taken in by his gaze.

He made her weak again, but this time not with the warm throes of undeniable desire. No, this was more like disappointment and fear, and though she had always been small, Ampere finally felt it.

Her wings shifted back and forth across her back, flicking nervously while her stance tilted from one side to the other. She'd had to turn away again, unable to burn up beneath his scrutiny, not while that question was already pinching her into the dirt and the dust. Pull it together some furious part of her managed to snarl amid all the self-doubt and drowned loathing. Was it really so hard to say? No, but it was hard to do, hard to feel, hard to know what it meant, she thought stubbornly. It had to start somewhere though, because it was just as hard not to say it. She had never ignored something just because it was difficult, and though today felt like a fine time to start, she grit her teeth instead and turned her stare back to him.

"I want to drop one of my ranks." She said it as sternly and solidly as she could muster, and although she wasn't sure if that's how it ended up sounding, she tried to hold herself with the rigidity that it was. "I don't care which one," she lied easily enough, frowning as she did. "But I can only manage one." There was a pause, as if she meant to speak again, but she swallowed instead, letting the I'm sorry echo into her gut.
"Then I should be able to teach Zero properly." That was a terrifying statement to say. If she did drop a rank, and she still failed as a mother, then what would her excuse be? Maybe telling Gaucho this was a horrible mistake...

After a moment, quietly she added, "Einarr is a good prospect for Gladiator."


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RE: I'm glad you're alive now let me fucking kill you - by Ampere - 12-19-2015, 06:31 PM

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