the Rift

[PRIVATE] the bitter end

Glasgow Posts: 127
Aurora Basin Apprentice atk: 3.5 | def: 10.0 | dam: 7.0
Mare :: Unicorn :: 14.3hh :: 11 years HP: 66.5 | Buff: NOVICE
to die by your side,
I had become entirely engulfed by my own thoughts to not even notice the approaching figure. I seemed blinded to the movement as my ears flickered with the inner turmoil I felt, still unsure how someone could trust a deity to be anything but evil. I lowered my head, rubbing my neck against the stone to please an itch that had crawled across my skin. Puffing out a slight snort I closed my eyes, distracted but feeling almost at home with the touch of the stone. My homeland had been made nearly entirely by columns like this, marbled and beautiful in appearance. Now, destroyed and crumbling on the ground to wither away in the elements.

"Sorry if I have intruded, milady."

I opened my glassy eyes to see an azure stag with pale eyes staring back at me. I raised a slight eyebrow, milady? Did he think I was some kind of royalty? I had never been graciously given such a name. If it had been in any other circumstances, I would have probably blushed - but the emotions I felt were caught up with me, allowing my composure to keep to the pale state they were. I wasn't even sure how to respond to him. Yes he had intruded, but he intruded my thoughts that attacked my mind like piranhas in my often vulnerable state.

I shook my head 'no' to the stallion and offered him a brief smile. "No, my friend, you've saved me from my thoughts and for that I thank you. I admitted, dipping my head to him in return. "You're more than welcome to join me, company is always appreciated and rare to find when you look like me." I could have laughed to lighten the mood, but no. Instead I turned my gaze away from him, sighing to myself in the brutal honesty that had passed my lips.

"You're the new Seer in the Edge, aren't you? I remember seeing your face in the meeting. Congratulations on the promotion." My voice spoke to him in a pleasant way but my mind kept screaming at the idea of being so close to the gods. Perhaps things had been different where he came from. I wondered if it could be an interesting exchange of stories for the both of them, considering my past job was similar to his. Where he spoke with the gods, I did their work with little to no recognition. I was a diplomat for them, and I wondered if his job was to be as such as well.
—is such a
way to die.
image credits

@Alune , SORRY I SUCK.

Messages In This Thread
the bitter end - by Glasgow - 12-08-2015, 04:21 AM
RE: the bitter end - by Alune - 12-08-2015, 05:13 AM
RE: the bitter end - by Glasgow - 12-19-2015, 11:22 PM

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