the Rift

Before I lose my mind completely. [Xira]

Andash Posts: N/A
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The vision of the pretty fae seeped softly into his pools, a re-awakening for the brute that had spent the last few moons in solitude with no one but his bonded, keeping them warm and safe from the harsh elements. He had not spoken nor seen another creature on his short journey, it perhaps sounded selfish to anybody else the reasoning for his leaving - to sort his mind. This was something that he feared Xira would not understand, and so decided to say as little as possible about his absence unless she desired it. He took another long gaze at her, her frame seemed even smaller than his own now, but he put that down to the wind. It shrinks us all.

There were no real words of comfort he could speak to her; the confusion in her eyes was enough to drive him into total dejection and blue lands, but he knew that he had to be strong. It was weak to show too much feeling. But this was Xira! The mossy roan was someone that he looked to, longed for and deeply missed on his journeys. The images of her soaring through the air, wanting to be there with her kept him sane. Talking to a baby bird was hardly stimulation, particularly when said bird hadn't even established a communication connection with him. He turned his crown to Cenny, surprised at her quiet behaviour. He tilted his head in slight confusion, and then brought it back to meet Xira's mossy pools. He equalled her confusion in his own expression.
What do I do? What do I say?

She backed away from him, and his heart fell. Could she really not forgive him? He sighed, keeping his ground and staying fixed on his sturdy pillars, not moving. Even the winds that were throwing themselves at the pair would not falter his poise. They had become far chillier, the icy feeling reaching out into the core of his display and shaking it about. He shivered slightly, and noticed that Xira was also shivering. He wanted to comfort her, but could bring himself to do so. It was the fear that she would certainly leave then. Her cold nature was always going to appear in some form on some occasions, and he did not want it to be now.

Finally, he heard her utter his name in reply. What do you want to say, Andash? Her words were barely comprehensible, but he listened intently. It took him a long time to think long and hard about his response, something that would suit. In the end he decided that it was best to give up with the conservative speak,
"I've missed you, Xira. So much..." Andash began to feel his heart in his mouth, each lexis brimming with the emotion that made him feel like his frosted body would crack underneath it all, "I understand that you are angry with me for leaving, of course you should. Rightly so. I will not ask forgiveness on that part, because I have no excuse. All I ask is that we are no longer parted."

His suggestion even scared him. What would she say? What would she do? How would things pan out? So many questions that revolved entirely around how the petite fae would take him. The silvered brute never thought that it was possible to ask such a thing of such an independent creature, he was almost suggesting that he take care of her - that would never happen. In his heart he hoped that she would take it the right way, and that they wouldn't have to be separated again, not out of choice or option.

Messages In This Thread
Before I lose my mind completely. [Xira] - by Andash - 10-29-2012, 12:10 PM
RE: Before I lose my mind completely. [Xira] - by Andash - 10-29-2012, 03:31 PM
RE: Before I lose my mind completely. [Xira] - by Andash - 10-30-2012, 12:20 PM

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