the Rift

[OPEN] No, I summon YOU

Öde Posts: 145
Aurora Basin Disciple atk: 5 | def: 10 | dam: 5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 17 hh :: 4.5 HP: 64.5 | Buff: NOVICE

Then, just like that, the spotlight turned from the god-child and he was left to suffer the pains of his immortality. He grunted, not sure if he appreciated that fact or not. Still though he lingered, for exposed or not, addressed or not, it was enough to bask in the presence of their god. There was worth to it, aside from just Öde's compulsive need to draw in the power of the immortals, there was also knowledge being swapped around. For instance, he'd no notion they had a tent at all, or why on earth it would be useful or necessary, but it had to be something if a god was willing to mention it, right?

Öde didn't have long to wonder because the Reaper soon picked up the conversation, short as he was with his words. He was hardly revealing though, much to Öde's disappointment, a feature which revealed itself in the frown of his lips. The moment passed however as Deimos echoed some of Öde's curiosity on the new lands and the horses that came from them and their gods, now dead. The god relayed more snippets of valuable information regarding it all, but it was nothing new, just expectations confirmed - no more portals, so no more lands, no more riftians, and no more gods. On the one had Öde was disappointed for the news, but on the other, he was utterly impressed with the ability of his own patron. Could Öde one day be so powerful?

Turning his head to watch Ashamin now as he spoke, Öde was startled to find a purple and black mare lingering in the shade with him. Snorting, Öde lifted his head, eyeing her. She was not an unattractive mare he decided, and her presence, though unnoticed until now (how long had she been there!?) was not obtrusive, so he made no move against her. Besides, Ashamin was saying something interesting for once, so Öde's ears pricked to listen.

Öde's reaction was quiet, but not so different from the Time god's which came swiftly in turn. Though, Öde had to admit, wolves were certainly a good choice of protection, but he supposed he was biased on that aspect - the recognition made him grin. Choosing to hold his tongue lest he draw unwanted attention to himself, Öde mulled over the questions in his head. Real wolves knew their pack through scent and sound, perhaps sight to some degree. Scent wouldn't be plausible with an essence, Öde guessed, not could he imagine how to alter one's scent to make them accepted - it could be learned he supposed, but most wolf packs were family, born into it, so their smell was already similar. Howling was a way they found each other and communicated - although it would be hilarious to watch new arrivals howl to enter, he supposed something like a set phrase could work, but that seemed like intel easily stolen. A meat offering, perhaps, he smirked.

"What do you think of wolves?" he asked the girl lingering near him, the voice so quiet only she could hear. It still pained him to even be here, and to talk was no easy feat on the agony his lung remembered, but sometimes Öde couldn't help himself. He certainly wasn't leaving, he'd already learned so much and he certainly would never walk away from a god or Ashamin being embarrassed, much less both at once. "I think we just need a better trained army," he murmured again to her, unaware of her role, but he meant nothing by the comment having been a soldier before this and still a participant on the battlefield, as was the haruspex. Then again Öde was use to relying on his physical and mental prowess, since his main magic kept it from others, he never really dealt in magical affairs and had no real items to his name, not any large want of them. He was a simple stallion in ways of artifacts, and he thought of the world simply because of it; he was young yet though.

Besides, it was better to watch Ashamin stew beneath the rough regard of the god. As much as Öde liked their patron more and more, he did not envy the haruspex his position any longer. Perhaps it would be smoother under the careful care of Öde's hooves, but he suspected the Time god was liable to generate sparks regardless of the limp-horned caller or not.

Tag me only if starting a new thread.
Magic or force permitted any time, including death - no decapitating.
Be aware active magic doesn't work in his vicinity due to his magic!

62.5/62.5 HP
Helovia Hard Mode

Messages In This Thread
No, I summon YOU - by God of the Spark - 11-08-2015, 05:04 PM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by Rhea - 11-08-2015, 05:48 PM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by God of the Spark - 11-08-2015, 05:58 PM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by Rhea - 11-08-2015, 06:57 PM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by Ashamin - 11-08-2015, 07:53 PM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by Öde - 11-11-2015, 11:05 PM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by God of the Spark - 11-12-2015, 09:32 PM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by Deimos - 11-15-2015, 09:08 AM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by Ashamin - 11-23-2015, 11:06 AM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by Öde - 11-28-2015, 01:29 AM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by Zandora - 11-29-2015, 11:17 PM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by God of the Spark - 12-11-2015, 08:13 PM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by Deimos - 12-20-2015, 08:54 AM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by Ashamin - 12-20-2015, 09:43 AM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by God of the Spark - 12-22-2015, 08:37 PM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by Öde - 12-28-2015, 08:58 PM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by Deimos - 12-29-2015, 12:16 PM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by Ashamin - 12-30-2015, 07:01 AM
RE: No, I summon YOU - by God of the Spark - 01-11-2016, 02:02 PM

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