the Rift

[PRIVATE] Could Things Be Any Worse? [Gaucho]

Mbizi Posts: N/A
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The closer he got to the see the farther his heart dropped. Loneliness was quite an awful thing but to be one such as himself... he must be used to it right? You'd think so, yes, but unfortunately the hole it made in his heart grew larger each day he spent by himself... Begging to be a part of something but knowing it would not be possible. Though these lands are new, their inhabitants might be different, his heart did not want to figure it out. A fifty fifty chance seemed too much to even think about.

Until a voice from the over yonder began to bark at him. Mbizi twisted his cranium to see just what the voice traveled from and though the being was of no particular odd barring his words seemed so blunt and very to the point Mbizi felt he was intruding. Felt that he perhaps just might have angered someone, and not just someone, a person who dwelled here with the rest of them. Mbizi slowed his flight to allow the other an easy reach to his side before speaking, "I's no mean invade space, I's sight seeing sir." His speech abilities are awful and perhaps it could be the beak he bears for a mouth or the fact that he was in solitude since a child with no one to teach him how to speak properly. One or the other, his speech might even be just as 'normal' as this other mans. For he speaks in a different pattern than 'normal' it seems.

He felt it right to offer landing before continuing on a conversation in the skies as it would be much easier to stand face to face and tell each other that what needs to be said. "I's goin' to land so we talk." His face turned back towards the sea and he begins his decent. Carefully listening for the other man just incase Mbizi might be crossing some line and not allowed to land. He was prepared to open his feathers again to fly back into the blue to speak but the ground felt much easier.

The eagle stretched out his claws and prepared for an abrupt landing. Walking two or three steps before stopping. Those two or three steps he'd taken were quite wobbly, like a young childs first steps, because he was an animal of flight... and to be honest he couldn't remember the last time he'd felt anything on his feet other than large tree branches. Mbizi looked towards the one whom addressed him and waited for a sign of anything.

OOC: I apologize for the SERIOUSLY late reply. Holidays + birthday = no time for comp. I can't wait to get started with Mbizi and the Throat though! Also, I'm still not sure how I want to write him so I apologize as well for the awful writing/imagination. This post is so.. idk... to much in one post for that little amount wrote.. UGH.
TAG(s): @Gaucho 

Messages In This Thread
Could Things Be Any Worse? [Gaucho] - by Mbizi - 12-12-2015, 12:55 PM
RE: Could Things Be Any Worse? [Gaucho] - by Mbizi - 12-30-2015, 08:56 PM

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