the Rift

Heal A Broken Soul || Avira

Abyss Posts: N/A
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"I must confess that I feel like a monster"

So she thought that all had greatness, admirable of her. He had long since given up trying to see the good and finding only the wicked. After all, those that had fallen on his herd like rabid dogs had no goodness, only diseased minds determined to kill and take and ruin. He blinked closed his great charcoal orbs for a moment, the past...why did it haunt so on this night? Had the years taken their toll, made him weak and soft as they did often times in the elderly stages of life? Was it time to lay down his selfish ways? Could he? Her words were wise, he took a deep breath, and let the demons plague some other, less prominent part of his brain. It would not haunt this day.

"Avi, it is then," the stallion smiled. Though bitterness lurked, the mare had successfully driven away the worst of his melancholy mood. She was cheery where he was gloom and even though he was not often a conversationalist, he found himself receptive to her melodic tones and philosophical insights. The elderly stallion would have called himself charmed, had it been possible for a beast such as he to be charmed so quickly.

Her light giggle drew a more genuine smile. He had not been around one so prone to laughter in some time. They were either fearful or blatantly seductive, and she was neither, offering him no hints to interest until--ah, but what was this?

"I have warmth enough for the both of us, darling Avi, do not fret. Snuggle in," the black offered as the mare pressed against his side, her thinner pelt pressed against his dark and shaggy winter one. In the summer, he would be glad to be free of the shaggy coat, but now he was pleased with it. That, and his bulk, kept him warmer when others would freeze. Pressed against his shoulder as she was, the smaller mare would be kept warm.

The next words that she spoke rung true and genuine as well as kind. The gentle nudge at his neck, though merely playful was arousing, and the stallion found his interest in the mare growing. Perhaps he would divulge his past to the mare, tell her what clouded his mind on this dreary day.

"Thinking is what is really the matter, I must admit. I've been dwelling again on things I can hardly change. It is a long, sad story, my story, would you still like to hear it Avi?"

"Abyss speaks"

Messages In This Thread
Heal A Broken Soul || Avira - by Abyss - 10-31-2012, 05:53 PM
RE: Heal A Broken Soul || Avira - by Avira - 10-31-2012, 08:29 PM
RE: Heal A Broken Soul || Avira - by Abyss - 10-31-2012, 09:09 PM
RE: Heal A Broken Soul || Avira - by Avira - 10-31-2012, 09:58 PM
RE: Heal A Broken Soul || Avira - by Abyss - 10-31-2012, 10:16 PM
RE: Heal A Broken Soul || Avira - by Avira - 11-01-2012, 03:33 PM
RE: Heal A Broken Soul || Avira - by Abyss - 11-10-2012, 09:42 PM
RE: Heal A Broken Soul || Avira - by Avira - 11-11-2012, 01:39 PM

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