the Rift

[PRIVATE] between love & lust, i never know which to trust

Tembovu the Elephant Posts: 805
World's Edge Captain atk: 7 | def: 9.0 | dam: 7.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 18hh :: 10 HP: 77 | Buff: SWIFT
Mbwene :: African Elephant :: Ashen smitty
The silence stretched, ominous and roaring with flames. The Elephant— the beast— searched the darkness. Slowly, blackness morphed to smudges, and smudges became silhouettes. His retinas, torched by staring at flames and the fires burning within him, strained and demanded to know who dwelled in the trees. In the absence of an answer, his chest began to pulse with every angry, powerful beat of his great heart. In warning, in anticipation— preparing to unleash the inferno once again.

“I am here.”

The words were gentle, nearly missed or discarded as they did not belong amongst all this darkness, hatred, and rage. They were too soft, too caring. Vaguely, the enraged King sees white— a seraphim to his diabolus— move between the gnarled fingers of trunks. A horse, a vaguely familiar voice— one he should know, despite the crackles and elephantine trumpets in his skull. A single prong of comfort pierces the agony in his soul. It is not enough to douse the conflagration; but it is something, it is a start. The pulsing of his chest subsided to a soft glow as black eyes peel away the blur of blindness. Roaring breaths slow from their angry, alarmed rate. Perhaps there was hope, as the deafening trumpet in his mind dulled to a din.

But then, there was a spark amid his fire-seared vision— a spark among the flame filled silence. And it was the cursed combustion for all the raging, agitated kindling in him. And from his chest burst a beast of molten tusks and flaming eyes, charging with the madness of an Elephant. The insidious seraphim, with threatening flames, was its mark; starkly white and inviting against the night.

In the absence of his anger, as it charged away from him, clarity came and recognition prevailed. Mauja. He was on the heels of the flaming beast, a bellow of warning— of fear— echoing above the roar of rampage. No. Not Mauja. Not his friend. A demonic tongue of triumph swirled in his skull, blackness blooming in his barrel darker than ever before. This was progress, this was what his demon wanted— what it needed. In this destruction, it etched a permanent corner in his skull; No longer was it relegated to the obscurity of his barrel. Now it had real purchase in the Elephant’s mind.

“I am here.” Oh, but you shouldn’t be.
the Elephant King

Please tag Tembovu.

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RE: between love & lust, i never know which to trust - by Tembovu - 01-21-2016, 02:17 AM

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