the Rift

[OPEN] Back to the basics

Maren the Crownless Posts: 264
Outcast atk: 5 | def: 9.5 | dam: 6
Mare :: Pegasus :: 15.0 :: 6 HP: 70 | Buff: NOVICE
Mr. Teatime :: Siberian Tiger :: Sing Yewrezz
By the precepts of her purity

The one that hadn't said anything so far, besides shuffle in the grass — the words that mere spoke were soft and gentle. Agnodice, she recalled, but not quite enough. She seemed like someone undeserving of her hostility, or so she decided at that moment; but that judgement wasn't based on enough to really make her feel sorry for her. Yet, from what Maren heard it did seem they had met before. Sometime when she still had had her vision.

From the tigermare's nostrils rose puffs of transparent clouds, mixing with the cold as she pulled up the corners of her lips after thinking when that could've been... giving up on it. "Well, since you asked... It is actually quite an interesting story. Around this time last year ...—" But it was at that moment the tea was mentioned (or perhaps a bit earlier, maybe it had to sink in) and it did not really seem to matter anymore what happened to her around this time last year. The mentioning of mint tea was simply a force not to be reckoned with. Something she knew so well, thus also knowing how fighting it would prove uselesstea.

There had been another mare that had marked her attendance in words by telling her name: Rasta, and while she was at it she apologized for Ettore, who Maren logical-wise thought must be her child. Rasta proved, however, to be interested in the... The thing she thought tea was. And of course Maren wanted to tell her that, that something merely defined as "such a 'thing' as peppermint tea" did not exist, while the force the oh so elegant,  brew that peppermint tea was, did. ... But at that moment she felt too disappointed and saddened due to the fact that Johnny  — The one and only she was beginning to trust when it came down to the beverage — did not have any with him (even after bringing it up), that she forgot to point out that mistake in words — which was perhaps better, anyways.

Maren pouted in silence as the sweetly perfumed stallion explained that he needed certain things for it. She of course knew about that. She had the tea-wisdom. However, a frown grew into a crown for her sulking muzzle. She turned her winged face towards wherever the pony could be standing and eventually rose her and eventually the tigermare rose her eyebrows. "I would marry you right now if (your) mane actually could dissolve in water," she proposed to him; a questioning of this possible truth. Yet, she did not felt like it wasn't her place to argue (she never did), for she knew his mane to be bright red. And she also knew an important lesson in life to be "do not trust the colorful things". "But for now I don't believe that that process would go quick enough for me." Or so she said coolly, even though of course with growing curiosity. But so far to her knowledge hair didn't just dissolve, not even magically (unless he had some suspicious powers - wait). "But Johnny," she started. "If what you stated there really isn't just BS, you shouldn't have told that to me — a mint tea lover, because I really will marry you and I will vow to you that, at some point in your life, you will find yourself bald," she joked with a flat voice and a stone cold expression.

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Messages In This Thread
Back to the basics - by Maren - 12-25-2015, 06:31 AM
RE: Back to the basics - by Agnodice - 12-25-2015, 03:15 PM
RE: Back to the basics - by Rasta - 12-25-2015, 04:18 PM
RE: Back to the basics - by Johnny - 12-25-2015, 06:02 PM
RE: Back to the basics - by Maren - 12-26-2015, 09:00 AM
RE: Back to the basics - by Agnodice - 12-26-2015, 04:29 PM
RE: Back to the basics - by Rasta - 12-31-2015, 09:11 PM
RE: Back to the basics - by Johnny - 01-06-2016, 02:12 PM
RE: Back to the basics - by Maren - 01-29-2016, 05:00 PM
RE: Back to the basics - by Agnodice - 02-06-2016, 03:16 PM

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