the Rift

Lost between Elvis and suicide. {Jackal/Open}

Leander the LionHeart Posts: 184
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 17.3 :: 8

"The battle field is not where you meet anyone. It is a place of death, not conversation. Surely you don't believe that you can know someone without even speaking?" His tones rang back out to meet the mare's, his voice firm and authoritative. He was experienced enough in masking his own anger, unlike the horned harlot with her sharp words. She was likely fueled by the loss of the Edge, which he understood. But in such emotion you become quite liable to lose your wit. As a fighter, he learned to put his own feelings under wraps at times like this, even with thoughts of Faelene always lingering in his mind.

"There is no war. Only your anger. My allies and I fought for what we thought was right. The lady Mirage asked your Mauja to share the Edge with her group in peace. There was a chance to avoid that battle, and your leader ignored it." Again he spoke, gold eyes trained on the stout bay. His profile had lost it's former amusement, and only held the cold truth that it often radiated. He had no regrets about the battle in the Edge, expect for the fact that he wasn't able to spare Faelene from it. If only this mare knew of the affection her herd-mate had shown him. Would she still think him so worthless? Probably, for he doubted that anything could soften the heart of this stubborn little antlered Unicorn. Suddenly, the flame hued boy spoke up, obviously upset by the stranger's clear animosity. Leander nodded in agreement. Before he could agree with the boy, the obnoxious mare piped up again. "He has just as much right to speak as either of us do, mare. Especially when he speaks the truth. The Threshold is no place for this." He spoke, the volume of his voice raised slightly. Did this idiot really have a reason to insult everyone? She had of course, been somewhat friendly to the blued mare. And Leander wholeheartedly believed that it was due to the horn sticking out of her brow.

Then the voice of Irene addressed the hostile mare, and it quickly became apparent that even fellow horned ones could be disliked by the little elk. He was immensely pleased to her the honey colored maiden tell her off. It was a pleasant moment, to be reminded that not all the Unicorns in Helovia wanted anything to do with Mauja's group. He turned his gaze to Irene, an apologetic look tracing his visage. "I am sorry, Irene. Your entrance back into Helovia should not have been so volatile. I do hope you understand now, why I questioned you about your loyalties?" A soft smile tugged at his lips, as the reasoning for his earlier question was now quite obvious. Inevitably, the other mare talked at him again, a threat in her words. He looked back at her with the a cold grin, taking a step towards her and lowering his head to her eye level. "Cowards attack from behind. When you have summoned the courage to face me, then I would be glad to oblige you." Brilliant pools bored into the brown form as she left, wondering if she would indeed ever try to kill him, and sure enough that she would never get to fulfill that want.

Messages In This Thread
Lost between Elvis and suicide. {Jackal/Open} - by Irene - 10-21-2012, 08:22 PM
RE: Lost between Elvis and suicide. {Jackal/Open} - by Irene - 10-24-2012, 12:08 AM
RE: Lost between Elvis and suicide. {Jackal/Open} - by Irene - 10-28-2012, 05:43 AM
RE: Lost between Elvis and suicide. {Jackal/Open} - by Korra - 10-28-2012, 07:07 AM
RE: Lost between Elvis and suicide. {Jackal/Open} - by Irene - 10-31-2012, 08:11 AM
RE: Lost between Elvis and suicide. {Jackal/Open} - by Korra - 11-02-2012, 02:56 PM
RE: Lost between Elvis and suicide. {Jackal/Open} - by Leander - 11-02-2012, 05:44 PM
RE: Lost between Elvis and suicide. {Jackal/Open} - by Irene - 11-18-2012, 04:42 AM
RE: Lost between Elvis and suicide. {Jackal/Open} - by Irene - 12-10-2012, 01:12 AM

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