the Rift

Ilios x Rohan

Ilios Posts: 200
Dragon's Throat Informant atk: 5 | def: 9 | dam: 6
Stallion :: Hybrid :: 15 :: 4 (Frostfall) HP: 66.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Isabella :: Common Rougarou :: Flame Parelia

Attack: 3.5
Damage: 7.5
Defense: 8.5
HP: 64


Attack: 5
Damage: 6
Defense: 8.5
HP: 64.5

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You must be true to your heart..
[Image: silver_dreamer_mist_by_cantatus_promise-d8flci6.gif] [Image: mwaCGuX.gif]
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Messages In This Thread
Ilios x Rohan - by Ilios - 02-04-2016, 03:32 AM
RE: Ilios x Rohan - by Blu - 02-14-2016, 02:16 PM

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