the Rift

Grey Skies [Cass, Open?]

Andash Posts: N/A
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the beautiful is always strange.</style>

It was lovely to see his old friend after all this time, it felt like it had been a lifetime since their first meeting. He greeted her bearing the same warm expression of familiarity of comfort towards the obsidian fae. As he glanced at her, he noticed Azulee, her and Azzuen's daughter. With a dip of respect towards the little filly, he continued to concentrate on Cassiopeia's interest.

Her curiosity was welcomed by the frosted brute. There had been many events since their last meeting, and they were all visible. First of all: his wing. What was once a deformed, rather sad looking thing was now a magnificent wing bestowed upon him by the God of the Earth himself, complete with a fern marking that ran all the way along it. That was courtesy of his dearest, Xira. He smiled fondly at the name, his mind galloping back. His feelings towards the vixen were complicated and straightforward at the same time - all he needed was the courage to confess them to the mossy roan. The next change was of course gaining his small bonded, Cenny. The little puffin was much to handle and still very young, as well as not being handy in battle. But he loved her just the same like she were a daughter, a small bundle of joy that he was proud to have as a companion. Cassiopeia's queries, also concerning his wing, were met with a calm, cool deep voice as he explained,
"There has been much since we last met, my friend," he gestured to the quiet bird, who watched the vixen with intent, bright eyes. "Not long after Orangemoon took hold, I wandered out of Helovia for a time, seeking some refuge to get myself together, so to speak. It probably sounds incredibly selfish, but I can't tell you how glad I am to be back where I belong..." The emotion ran deep in his tones, and in his pools. They spoke of the love he had for his homeland. He shook these away and smiled back at her with his soft, leaden velveteens. The mention of his brush with the Gods made him once again think back to Xira. "Yes, well, no. Not exactly. My wing came about through the actions of Xira, something I am forever indebted to her for. I have not yet set about trying to fly yet, not for real though..." He smiled again at the mention of Xira, so fondly and lovingly. But he turned these feelings off and instead opted for a poker face, still welcoming towards his friend, however. It was time to ask her about her own happenings. Enough of selfishness he mused. "And how about yourself, Cass?"

As Azulee made herself fully known to him again, he smiled warmly at her. He remembered meeting the little obsidian with Azzuen before he had wandered out of Helovia, it was a good memory. "Yes, I remember meeting Azulee when I spoke with Azzuen. It's nice to meet you again, little one! And how are you?" He flicked his tail silks, his frosted lobes pricked forward.

Noticing the creature that was sat upon her back, it was his turn to be silently inquisitive. But he did not mention it, for fear of sounding nosy or rude. As little Azulee moved closer and inquired about Cenny, he nudged the bonded closer to the pair. It was good for the bird to get used to his friends. She fluttered about and tilted her little beaked crown, chirping at the far larger fae, before waddling over to the smaller filly confidently. He chuckled. "This here is Cenny. The Gods are too kind to the likes of me." The humour and respect played and danced about in the lights of his pools, or at least what light could be found. The darkness was growing ever more imminent as each moment passed. Andash did not wish to stay any longer than he had to. But he was comforted knowing that Cassiopeia was here to keep him company.

"To be second is to be the first of the ones that lose."

image by seyed mostafa zamani @</style>

Messages In This Thread
Grey Skies [Cass, Open?] - by Andash - 10-29-2012, 11:12 AM
RE: Grey Skies [Cass, Open?] - by Cassiopeia - 10-29-2012, 01:45 PM
RE: Grey Skies [Cass, Open?] - by Andash - 10-30-2012, 12:30 PM
RE: Grey Skies [Cass, Open?] - by Cassiopeia - 11-01-2012, 06:32 PM
RE: Grey Skies [Cass, Open?] - by Andash - 11-03-2012, 03:11 PM
RE: Grey Skies [Cass, Open?] - by Cassiopeia - 11-15-2012, 12:53 PM

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