the Rift

[PRIVATE] Bootylicious

Quentin Posts: 20
Outcast atk: 4.0 | def: 7.5 | dam: 5.0
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 15.3hh :: 5 HP: 58 | Buff: NOVICE
I do believe in fairies!
The fairy male made his way through the snow, his tan colored hooves snapping up out of the powder in disgust. In truth, Quentin hadn't really encountered snow before, sticking mostly to the forests and meadows that he could find. Snorting in discomfort, the action visible by whisps dancing in the air, the stallion halted. He shifted constantly, however, still not used to the squishy, cold feeling of snow.

He'd made the journey from the Edge to explore, though had he known that his curiosity would bring him into the frozen hell, well, he surely wouldn't have left. “I'm sure the Edge is just as frozen.” He grumbled under his breath at the statement, not wanting to admit that he'd have to endure this shit longer than a second. He snorted again, “It just sticks to everything and it's so damn cold.” His voice was whiny and his wings fluttered in distress as they usually did. Grunting loudly, the brute continued on, his high stepping seeming almost normal and natural, elegant even.

As the Warmblood continued on, a sweet scent reached his nostrils. “What in heaven's name is that?” He halted, tilting his head to the side, hazel eyes searching for the source. It was then that he spotted the tri-colored stallion, his brightly colored hair and pink points sticking out against the white powder that whatever devil sent. Despite Quentin's hatred for snow, this stallion seemed rather interested in it. He had his muzzle buried in the stuff and the fairy wondered what kind of fresh hell he'd been sent to.

“Who the hell likes this stuff?” He huffed in agreement, which here lately had become rather common. Clearing his throat, the male made himself known, though he wasn't sure if the colorful male was paying him any attention or not. He was glorious though and Quentin allowed his hazel eyes to flow easily over his form. “Hmm...not bad at all.” Giggling softly, the male took a few steps forward, closing the distance between the two of them. “Why, hello there.” He grins, his expression clearly showing his interest in the stallion before him. Fluttering his wings, the pale male watched for the other's reaction, though he openly appreciated his figure still.


OOC- Sorry this took so long! I was on vacation and didn't have internet before we left D:
(the fabulous!)
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[Image: 568b0cff16b64]

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Messages In This Thread
Bootylicious - by Johnny - 02-02-2016, 02:16 PM
RE: Bootylicious - by Quentin - 02-13-2016, 12:39 AM
RE: Bootylicious - by Johnny - 02-16-2016, 09:00 PM
RE: Bootylicious - by Quentin - 02-17-2016, 10:08 PM
RE: Bootylicious - by Johnny - 03-03-2016, 02:52 PM
RE: Bootylicious - by Quentin - 03-10-2016, 09:53 PM

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