the Rift

[PRIVATE] Do you like you? Because I like you.

Mortuus Nox Posts: 187
Aurora Basin Time Mender atk: 3.5 | def: 10 | dam: 7
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 15.2 :: Immortal HP: 66.5 | Buff: NOVICE
You can have your very own
Devil at the cross roads

The cold Frost Fall air stung the open wounds as the storm allowed its winds to enter his cave uninvited. His black ghost like body huddles around the roaring fire when he heard another enter his cave. It was not the wind this time though. There was life to the creature walking in, it was someone he knew and well loved. Tiamat shook the winter flakes off her deep blue coat, as stone orbs looked up to meet her eye contact. Her voice was like a sweet song hitting his ears as she greeted him. A lonely smile curled across his face as he looked at her. She had so much life in her soul unlike himself, but when he was with her that all changed. "hello my ocean mare." he chuckled lightly as her eyes finally caught the dripping scars.

Her voice shrilled as she panic took over her whole body. She asked what happened and how it happened. Her blue body rushed to his side asking about herbs and trying to find her own. His muzzled reached out rubbing her cheek ever so softly with his black velvet muzzle. "Nothing Happened love... It's... a Curse that runs in my family. I thought I would be the lucky one and not get it, but I was wrong. I have immortality, I will never be able to die. There is a cost though.. Every stormy night or cloudy night my scars will open once again to bleed. On the clear nights they will glow. " He pressed his large skull against her neck as the crimson substance dripped down his legs and muscles. "The Herbs wont help, only when the clouds and storm clears will it get better. It is not as bad as it looks it only hurts..... a bit" He offered the blue mare a smile to hope she would get more comfortable and to ease her worry. "I am sorry you have to see this." His gray eyes looked down towards the warm fire. He could not stand to see the blue mare upset, especially if it was something that he had done, or his curse had done.

His eyes watched the fire unable to look at the sweet mare. He did not want to see her pain and hurt as she looked at him. He wished he could comfort her by telling her it will all be over soon, but he was not sure when it would end. The demonic crown lowered to push another log closer to the fire. He could at least offer her warmth in this storm. The Fire crackled and spat out embers as the smoke flew out of the opening of the cave. Nox looked back up and into the mares pale eyes. For once his stone orbs glowed with warmth as he looked upon the sweet mare.



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RE: Do you like you? Because I like you. - by Mortuus Nox - 02-21-2016, 12:55 PM

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