the Rift

[PRIVATE] can you spell o o p s??

Nyx Posts: 292
Deceased atk: 7.5 | def: 9.5 | dam: 6.0
Mare :: Unicorn :: 16hh :: 11 HP: 72 | Buff: SWIFT
Dominus :: White Lion :: None Snow

Dominus' hissing intensifies as the man who is not his bonded tries to control him. He is on the verge of lashing out, but Nyx lowers her head and loses her teeth firmly in the thick hair of his mane as her fragile temper frays further. He yowls as she nips through fluff and meets his scruff, and when her leg connects with the side of his head, he's knocked firmly away. Rage and hurt ebbs from him into her mind, and she feels deeply guilty for having to use such force - but she cannot have him acting like this when this conversation is so damn important. Reluctantly, bitterly, the lion slopes off, plonking himself down nearby to nurse his wounded pride and eyeball the trio of mare, stallion and smug elephant with feline disgust.

The silver draws in a deep breath. As Tembovu talks of his new companion, she manages a soft chuckle, genuine this time. "I know the feeling." She glances over to the glowering form of Dominus. Not for the first time, she wishes she had bonded to something...tamer. Something that wouldn't test her patience to its limits. But, she reasons, if that was the case then it wouldn't be Dominus. He shares part of her soul, and she loves him unequivocally - she just wishes he wasn't so lion.

She sags with relief as Tembovu speaks again, muscles untensing and unravelling. Thank the Gods. Thank the Gods for his good nature.

The good nature that you're exploiting, you selfish bitch.

"I will come back, you have my word. I could never just abandon this place, Tembovu, or abandon you. I might be a potty-mouthed little harlot, but I'm the Edge's potty-mouthed little harlot." She offers her King a wink. He asks who she would have act in her stead whilst she's away, and she hardly has to think before she gives her answer. "Rohan. He is a fine man, and a fine warrior in his own right. I think he will excel in the position in my absence."

She leans forwards, attempts to graze her muzzle softly across his broad shoulder. "Thank you, Tembovu. This means a lot to me." More than you could ever know. "I would offer to thank you in my own special way, but I doubt your darling wife would be best pleased." She offers a wiggle of her eyebrows and a cheeky wink, the old Nyx shining through from beneath the haggard form of the new, worry-bound, lying scum Nyx.

There's an ache in her heart as she takes a step backwards, looks between Tembovu and the beautiful Edge that they stand in. This is her home, and she's letting it down - letting him down - because of some stupid, ill-advised one-night-stand. She deserves to burn for her sheer idiocy, but she must stand strong and take responsibility for her actions. The Edge cannot suffer. This way, they will not have a General who cannot fight. This way, they do not have to live with the shame of having a General who puts her lusts before the needs of the herd.

It is better for everybody involved. But that doesn't stop it hurting.

She dips her head in respect to her King, and unless he has anything further to ask of her or tell her, she begins to turn away. "Don't miss me too much, handsome. I'll be back." With all the bravado she can muster - and that she really doesn't feel - she moves away, away from the Edge, to be with her shame. Dominus follows, a white shadow behind her, suddenly supportive - because he knows she needs him.



Other characters have permission to use magic/violence against Nyx at any time.

Messages In This Thread
can you spell o o p s?? - by Nyx - 02-22-2016, 01:01 PM
RE: can you spell o o p s?? - by Tembovu - 02-23-2016, 12:07 AM
RE: can you spell o o p s?? - by Nyx - 02-23-2016, 04:00 PM
RE: can you spell o o p s?? - by Tembovu - 02-26-2016, 02:24 AM
RE: can you spell o o p s?? - by Nyx - 02-27-2016, 07:06 PM
RE: can you spell o o p s?? - by Tembovu - 03-06-2016, 09:02 PM

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