the Rift

[PRIVATE] Time Away, Time Alone.... I mean, together?

Bucephalus the Morningstar Posts: 292
Hidden Account atk: 7 | def: 9.5 | dam: 4
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 16.1 :: 6 || Tallsun HP: 67 | Buff: NOVICE
Azeeza :: Orange-breasted Falcon :: None Tribs

The black watched in amusement as the mare spun, recovering herself with a graceful bow that he returned with a dip of his head, lips curling in a wry smile. Now this was most certainly an interesting way to be gree-


... Really? She knew his name as well? Did everyone know his name?

"You mate. A lot. Was good man in Throat, many know name in desert. Call you Morningstar." Azeeza was far too smug and amused by the stallion's irritation at this new information. How ridiculous was it that he was named 'The Morningstar'? His ears pinned back just the slightest as he digested this, golden eyes regarding the mare before him, trying to draw memory forth at the sight of her face.

But neither he, nor Zee, really recognized her.

His keen eyes noticed her shuffling, the subtle nuances of her skittishness, and once again his smile returned, and he shifted further to the side to give her room. "Now we have quite the problem here... You know my name, yet I do not know yours." His head tilted, and he braved a step closer to her, pausing at her question.

"I was following you, I thought it strange that someone with wings would go into the ground." He grinned, unfurling a wing slightly to gesture around them. "Now there are two winged creatures in the earth. Shall we take this discussion topside?" Not that he'd ever admit it but... being underground, being here surrounded by stone... It had his back twitching, his feathers rustling with anxious movements at the confinement.

No longer giving her a chance to agree or not, the stallion gestured with a toss of his head for her to follow as he turned, ascending up the crevice, hooves scraping the stone for purchase until finally... fresh air, the breeze in his mane and feathers. For a moment he soaked it in, then moved aside that his company might follow. Azeeza alighted upon his withers once he was as still as he ever could be, her golden eyes ignoring everything but their surroundings, keeping watch for them both.

Bucephalus the Morningstar
My revolution carries me... 
My revolution sets me free... 
credits :: table


Pixel by Aud

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RE: Time Away, Time Alone.... I mean, together? - by Bucephalus - 03-01-2016, 03:41 PM

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