the Rift

[OPEN] dedication to a new age

Johnny Posts: 161
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 13 hh :: 10 years
Jellybean :: Common Griffin :: Molten Dagger Sarah
sweet, sugar, candyman

So, that herd meeting had been a mess. I knew it, Deimos knew it, hell even Jellybean knew it and she can’t even talk! Everyone gets it. I started to talk to our Lord a little bit on the way, see if I could ease his mind a little bit - but it became pretty darn obvious that he didn’t want to chat it up. So alright, I’ll just hang back! Which really, wasn’t a choice at all. Have you seen the legs of our great Lord??? They go on for MILES! KILOMETERS! LEAGUES! In relation, my own legs were approximately the length of an ants.

You can understand why he had to keep looking back to see if I was there.

Each time, I offered a cheery - if exhausted and sweaty - smile. Thankfully as we travel south and as I start to sweat syrup, I’ve got this handy new magic trick that allows me to cool the air around me. It’s great for when I’m required to do exercise!

Jellybean is starting to get too big to fit into the bag I carry around with crafting supplies, but she still likes to sit in there anyway - especially when we’re on the move. She’s curled in and settled among the soft materials - her pink-crowned head sticking out as she looked around curiously at the world. Somewhere during the journey, we started to sing softly to each other. Or, I was singing softly - entertaining Jellybean with ridiculous ballads - while the griffin squawked along cheerfully. I had taught her how to wolf-whistle, which she happily did every time we paused for a rest.

I pointed out to Deimos that it was my companion, not me, giving him the compliment but I don’t think he believed me.

Anyway, all shenanigans aside, we eventually make it to the Throat. Er, well, kind of anyway. We’re standing on a beach, looking across some water to where the Throat actually is. “Are we supposed to swim?!” I ask, feeling a little lightheaded at the idea, bringing my cool air with me as I come to stand beside Deimos. I figured I’d be jogging to keep up with him anyway but swimming was a physical activity I did not sign up for.

[Image: Johnny%20by%20Aud_zpsi3ssx2s1.gif]
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Messages In This Thread
dedication to a new age - by Deimos - 04-10-2016, 09:12 AM
RE: dedication to a new age - by Johnny - 04-10-2016, 03:12 PM
RE: dedication to a new age - by Megaera - 04-16-2016, 09:05 PM
RE: dedication to a new age - by Deimos - 04-23-2016, 10:44 AM
RE: dedication to a new age - by Johnny - 04-24-2016, 08:14 PM

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