the Rift

TilneyxArah baby Audition!

nunu Posts: 0
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Mare :: Other :: ::

Delicate peds flattened out thick, lush grasses that fell aimlessly askew from overgrowth. The daunting aroma of rain began hovering in the stratosphere, but the few clouds that were tumbling in were lethargically crawling along the sky and posing no threat to the petite filly. A vibrant blur of warm ivory weaving in and out of trees, swiftly stampeding imagined towns in distress from monsters; Maude cheerfully played these silly games in her head when left all alone. Darting around a giant shrub of thorns, the young femme cut to a halt – all four stilts seeming to land in the same spot with her haunches bundled up beneath her from the hasty stop. Hollows flared from the travel, Maude peered up at the heavens once more, detecting a few more billows adding to the coverage which would only welcome the evening faster.

'Mauuude, c’mon Maude…' Jude’s complaining tone echoing about in Maude’s head caused her to flatten her auricles and murmur aloud, “Jude… you pansy.” She did love her brother so dearly, but when it came to exploring the lands there was one choice (and one choice only) and that was: to go.  She had tried to persuade her twin sibling to come along, but he was nervous and fearful of the repercussions. To Maude it was a simple situation. ‘It is better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.’ The vixen gave a little smirk to this, still wishing her brother would have tagged along. She peered back, bright golden optics tracing the path she had created and when the young maiden turned to face what was coming, there was the tiniest glint along the horizon. Curiosity amped her forward and before long she was leaping over the broken glass wall.

Crickets chirped ever so quietly beyond the wall she had jumped over, and at the moment Maude was struck in awe that she was outside of World’s Edge. Her elders had presaged her about this and yet the enticement to continue travelling was far too striking. It was as if whispers of temptation were being spoken into her twin pinnacles, for Maude had never had such an impulse to sporadically explore. In front of her lay a small meadow and at the brim of the yellowing grasses was a jutting tree line, and Maude could not make out what was beyond that. Above the copper-tinted femme the atmosphere gently rumbled far, far away. Jude crossed her mind again, imagining him sniffing amongst the plants in the greenhouse and evading the caretakers all to avoid interrogation. He was a good brother and very noble, perhaps one day that would show more than his coy demeanor. Letting out a sigh, Maude carefully reared up with joy at the unknown world before her.

A three-beat gait pounded into the quietness of the forest. It seemed Maude was very much all alone, but as she made her way through closely grown trees, the shadows of the evening began to accompany her. Split diamonds were muted now as she stepped upon moss covered earth and she stood unworriedly in the midst of these woods, admiring the crawling green plant that hugged the bottoms of tree trunks and carpeted smaller boulders that naturally decorated the landscape. A low groan escaped the sky again and rolled out from where it started to just above Maude, sending a small shiver down her spine. That thick fragrance of rain was less out here but she could sense that it would be heavily raining over her brother now. Although the smell of it was distant, there was another trace of aqua underlying it – with key notes of sweet, fermenting cattails and damp soil.

At a slow pace now, Maude looked about the world with wide-open, almost glowing globes. A flick of her banner kept some gnats at bay as she emerged from an opening in the woods and saw a very clear pond in the center of the thicket. Maude was ready to exclaim loudly to an un-present Jude; but before the babe’s excitement could cash its check, she heard a quaint nicker from across the way. Lobes focused in on the familiar calling, although she knew it was not for her, as she was a stranger here. A few minutes passed and she was unaware of her surroundings that were in fact rapidly changing. It was officially evening and the fire flies began making their appearances, reflecting their lights among the tranquil pool of water and creating an ambiance that Maude had never witnessed previously in her three short months. A moving branch very close to the source of the noise kept the young fae’s attention when out emerged an albino equine. It was not until the second equine emerged that Maude felt she was exposed and in the open, although mother earth had her well-hidden.

The two equines seemed infatuated with one another, their bodices intertwining as they gradually entered the pool, whispers between the two of them were only broken words by the time Maude could catch anything from her hiding spot. The thunder was gradually getting louder although the rain had not fallen, yet this was the least of the filly’s concerns. These two strangers were so incredibly fascinating, as if performing a ritual within the perfect pool, the ripples gently lapping at Maude’s tiny flints. The couple made their way to the center of the pond; a breeze created further ambiance, causing fireflies to lose track of their way and long branches from willows swept the surface of the water’s edge. This new world she had discovered was increasingly dreamy and mystical, her heartbeat relaxed and at ease. Maude wished that Jude was here, to take in the sights as she was, to see these two equines dance in the water as they were. She daydreamed of bringing Jude here soon, when suddenly a large rain drop knocked her back to reality.

One by one, two by two, twenty by twenty, the rain was falling – and fast. The filly glanced back to the two strangers, only to see them standing over her. Their pelts slick from the water and their smiles tender and caring. “My, my, what’s a little babe like you doing out here?” the albino mare spoke so pleasantly that it scared Maude. She spooked. Quickly. With all of the forte she had, Maude turned towards the direction she came and bolted. The harsh rain began blistering her visage, stinging her at the speed she was galloping. The dense woods she had discovered seemed even thicker now and she felt like she would never escape. The closeness of the trees and shrubbery affected her greatly, scraping her shoulders and nicking her developing antlers as she went, but she did not care – she could not get caught! The poor filly’s mind was crashing and going overboard, ‘Where’s the exit? How far did I go?’ and when she felt that her pillars were reaching the point of collapsing, she had discovered the blond meadow from which she came.

A brief sigh of relief came while she made her way across the field, upwards now back to World’s Edge. The pounding rain did not let up however, with the thunder speaking more loudly now and the deep velvet clouds making it almost impossible for Maude to see a few feet in front of her. ‘What’s an adventure without a little setback…?’ she tried keeping her spirits up, but her shoulders ached and her appendages felt like loose stilts. Her front left hoof knocked the broken glass wall as she stepped over it, and here she found shelter under large oak. Maude turned to see her progress. The forest from which she came seemed miles away now, and in the very far distance, she could make out that equine couple from the magical pond. Another shiver down her spine. It was time to sneak back to the greenhouse, but hopefully it was not too late.

O O C : Playing Maude was lots of fun! I was very nervous about posting (bc it has been a while since I have RP’d) but I think it went OK. I could’ve stopped at several points but I was enjoying the story I was creating. Thanks for the opportunity to start off in Helovia with a fun little baby like this one! Good luck everyone!

Art by TheCallyBear@ DA

Messages In This Thread
TilneyxArah baby Audition! - by Tilney - 04-15-2016, 11:59 AM
RE: TilneyxArah baby Audition! - by Bunnie - 04-15-2016, 01:39 PM
RE: TilneyxArah baby Audition! - by nunu - 04-19-2016, 07:27 AM
RE: TilneyxArah baby Audition! - by Arah - 04-26-2016, 06:49 PM
RE: TilneyxArah baby Audition! - by Skylark - 04-26-2016, 08:13 PM
RE: TilneyxArah baby Audition! - by Eris - 05-03-2016, 02:22 PM
RE: TilneyxArah baby Audition! - by Roux - 05-03-2016, 05:53 PM

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