the Rift

Push Vu's Buttons!

Vu Posts: 28
Mare :: Equine :: 14.3 :: 3 (Orangemoon)

It is time for Vu to work on accepting that she will be living in Helovia for the foreseeable future. With that in mind, she is open to just about anything and here are some ideas I have for her.

-Join Hidden Falls
-Catch up with big brother, Rift


-Friends: Vu has never had a real family and the idea of going into a herd scares the pants off her. She’s never had a friend either as she has spent her entire life moving from place to place with her sister before she was killed and then in pursuit of her brother. Someone to help her adjust to the idea of living in a herd.

If you want to be her friend, be prepared to deal with heavy resistance. In her mind she’s still fully expecting Rift to leave again…so she doesn’t see a reason to put down any roots.

-Someone to push her out of her shell a little; she’s not good with physical contact (little to no experience regarding affection or abuse) Rift is the only one who can touch her freely.

She prefers to speak only when necessary and unless she is particularly confused or interested in what you say, she enjoys rhyming. Like an ass. So she needs pushed that way too; time to get her out of her comfort zone and away from her mother's rules a bit. (Rules are in her history)

-An enemy or two perhaps, though don’t expect a huge blow out or anything like that.


-Vu is not interested in babies or fighting. Both of which require physical contact and she’s not comfortable with that. BUT..if you have a great idea for her regarding either of those things feel free to through it out there. =)

-All magic and force are permitted barring serious injury and/or death-
-Powerplay outside of fighting is permitted-
-Please tag in all replies-

Messages In This Thread
Push Vu's Buttons! - by Vu - 04-23-2016, 09:05 AM
RE: Push Vu's Buttons! - by Watermel0nBob - 04-24-2016, 01:31 PM
RE: Push Vu's Buttons! - by Vu - 04-24-2016, 02:26 PM
RE: Push Vu's Buttons! - by Merlin - 04-28-2016, 09:48 PM
RE: Push Vu's Buttons! - by Azrael - 04-29-2016, 09:29 AM

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