the Rift

I dance and sing and wear no ring - Aisling's Threads and Tables

Aisling the Fae Posts: 112
Absent Abyss atk: 5.5 | def: 9.0 | dam: 4.5
Mare :: Equine :: 13.1 :: 6 :: Birdsong HP: 63 | Buff: NOVICE
Sorcha :: Common Green Dragon :: Fire Breath Laine
my friend makes rings, she swirls and sings
she’s a mystic in the sense that she’s still mystified by things
Another trek through the deep forrest, still old and gnarled to be sure, but not as frightening to the little mare as it had once been. Though many trees were hardy evergreens, the others had shed their leaves to stand like skeletons but this allowed a little more light to reach the forrest floor. Another thing that helped was the milder weather; the cold was no bother and anything was better than thunderstorms in the faerie’s opinion. Little grey-washed hooves pick carefully through the brambles, taking her south to find the Veins again. It was past time she returned to the Sun God’s shrine and she was eager to see what waited for her there.

Aisling plays with lyrics in her mind, going over and over the words and verses of her composition and making adjustments where she sees fit. She would hum bits of the melody to herself as she went, to keep company in the silent woods, but the words stayed yet only in her head. Singing had always been a great love of hers, but when it came to writing her own songs she was terribly insecure and had never preformed one for an audience. The prospect of writing and singing a ballad worthy of the Sun was a daunting task indeed, and perhaps her trepidation slowed her steps. The longer it took her to get there, the better the song would be… Wouldn’t it?

A disturbance in the silent wood pulls Aisling from her musical musings—the sound of racing feet and the twigs that snap under each hurried step—and she stops to look for the source. A flash of copper and gold catches her eye: a figure moving fast through the trees on a path that had intersected with her own not far ahead. It is a wild run, from what Aisling can see, reckless in such close quarters and the little mare’s curiosity wis triggered in the instant it takes for the figure to move in and out of sight. Careful to keep her eyes fixed on where the copper flash had vanished, the little mare starts forward again, altering her own path to follow. The yell echoes back to her, one of surprise at least, and her fanciful mind is quick to hear fear in it as well so she quickens her pace.

Finally there is a voice ahead, and the white one slows to a cautious walk while pricking her was forward to listen carefully. Of course, she would be willing to help of there was trouble (and that seemed likely to her as evidenced by the show of haste) but knew it best to be careful. "I'm sorry, Lace... I don't know what to do.” … The words start to become clear as Aisling finally catches up to her quarry, approaching from behind and careful to keep her footfalls quiet and unobtrusive.

It’s a woman, the songstress discovers, youthful by the looks and not at all alone. Beside the copper mare flits a multi-tailed fox and both stand before formation of stone too conspicuous to have occurred naturally. The pile of stones rises, she sees, out of the earth with one placed prominently on top, and it speaks clearly to Aisling of loss. They had built cairns like this in the land of her birth, tombs for the loved and the highly esteemed and it seemed to Aisling that this one had a special meaning to the girl in front of her. The words the copper one speaks have the white’s heart breaking; she couldn’t turn back now, couldn’t leave anyone in such and miserable state and so she moves forward. “I’ve always been a lover of wishes, but even I don’t think that one will do you or anyone any good.” Her words are gentle, reaching out to the stranger, even as she stops herself at a respectful distance. “Fate will do as she pleases so better to wish for good things, and do what you can to help them along.”

Table style by Tamme!
[now come the days of the dreamer and they are filled with wonder and light ]
:: permission given for use of magic and force :: please tag Aisling in all posts ::

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RE: I dance and sing and wear no ring - Aisling's Threads and Tables - by Aisling - 04-26-2016, 06:03 PM

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