the Rift

Protector and Friend [Baldur/open]

Wanyecha Posts: N/A
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"if ten million fireflies lit up the world as I fell asleep"

Having thoroughly talked the large stallion's ears off by the time they made it to the Foothills, Wanyecha was all but talked out when they entered the lands. She was hopeful that her herd would take her new found father figure in without complaint, the large stallion having been one of the first adults she had encountered in Helovia. She had stuck close to his side, only just in front of him to guide the way until they had reached the boundaries, where she had darted ahead excitedly, before darting back to nudge him and darting ahead again. Her attention often caught by a strange tree or rock, her youthful excitement had no bounds.

Now she had calmed marginally, attempting to be mature as they entered the lands that she called her home. If she was to be bringing new horses home, she would have to behave better, she decided.

"Here we are Baldie!" she exclaimed, gesturing with her muzzle, "Isn't it wonderful?"

Messages In This Thread
Protector and Friend [Baldur/open] - by Wanyecha - 11-10-2012, 10:14 PM
RE: Protector and Friend [Baldur/open] - by Baldur - 11-17-2012, 07:27 AM
RE: Protector and Friend [Baldur/open] - by Baldur - 12-03-2012, 02:53 PM

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