the Rift

Wrap your arms around me.

Adelis Posts: 33
Hidden Account
Mare :: Unicorn :: 14.3 hh :: Seven

>> ADELIS <<

      Footsteps crunched on the dry grasses and narrow twig-infested path just ahead of her, causing Adelis to pick her thin face up once more, aquatic eyes resting on a creature that moved oddly on his feet and balanced himself out with a massive tail. Confused, her ears pressed forward and her large Arabian nostrils fluttered loudly; he even smelled odd compared to the rest of Helovia. "Oi! Hey! I have one for ya!" Quietly she tipped her head to the side, trying as hard as she could to place the accent, but finding very little similar tongues. She had been exposed to so little in her life, this was probably a very common accent that she had yet to stumble upon. He ambled toward her still, a big grin spread across his hybrid face.

      "Whadya call a deer with no eyes?" The question twirled in the young fawn's head, brows pulling down slightly as she though. "Uhm, I'm not sure. What?" she inquired, curious as to what a deer with no eyes would be called. "No eyed deer!" he exclaimed, a laugh genuine enough and loud enough to infect the sweating woman's own soul. She smiled broadly, an exhausted laugh trying to light up her bright eyes. Dark hair hung loosely over her scarred face in thick, damp coils. The smile felt good on her face, she hadn't laughed in weeks.

      Whatever the man said after that she had not caught, partially because of her own laughter, partially because his accent was so difficult for her to understand. But still he offered another one, her brain over-focusing on his words as he spoke to not miss a thing. "Whatdya call a deer with no eyes n no legs?" the silence only hung around long enough for the brutt to shake her head back and forth, the smile still pulling her dark lips upward. "Still no eye deer!" it took a moment for the emphases on "still" to attach to the fact that the no-legged-no-eyed-deer would be - in fact - still, but when it did, the antlered woman laughed once more, her bright eyes dancing in the shallow happiness that took over.

      The hybrid man grew quiet, crawling toward her with a new expression of care unfolding over his long face. "G'day lovely, what's got ya knickers all up in a knot?" The bright smile faded from her dark maw, struggling to stay on the edge of a fake grin. Besides the fact that she was uncomfortably pregnant and sweating, there was an entire life she had just lost and a world of pain that she had previously buried after finding a loving home. She looked down at the man with tired eyes, the corners of her lips pulling up just enough to possibly offer him a bit of reassurance. "I'm just very tired and-" she moved awkwardly on her back feet, her back popping as she did so. "ready to have this baby."

The air felt dewy on her hide, but the stranger looked comfortable and unbothered by the weather. 'It must just be me.' she whined in her head. "I'm Adelis." She finally offered, ears turning to their comfortable positions and no longer straining forward.

Ooc: Sorry it took so long to get back! Banjo is so cute and funny, c:

- J.F.P.

Please tag me in all replies, ♥ 

Messages In This Thread
Wrap your arms around me. - by Adelis - 06-13-2016, 01:45 PM
RE: Wrap your arms around me. - by Banjo - 06-16-2016, 04:55 PM
RE: Wrap your arms around me. - by Adelis - 06-28-2016, 04:05 PM
RE: Wrap your arms around me. - by Chaska - 07-01-2016, 10:26 PM
RE: Wrap your arms around me. - by Banjo - 07-02-2016, 05:24 AM

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