the Rift

Pretty and Practical

Vu Posts: 28
Mare :: Equine :: 14.3 :: 3 (Orangemoon)

Ere to the wind’s twelve quarters

Sunlight dances low in the sky and I turn bright eyes to greet the coming of the night, more at peace when I can blend with the shadows. The ground is damp from a recent rain but it bothers me little and I push through a patch of inches deep mud, the trees in the Threshold giving the sun slight purchase to dry the area I walk. My eyes lower from the bits of sky I can see through the canopy to step over a fallen branch and my thoughts turn to some of the first faces I met upon arrival in Helovia. Images of a grayed out unicorn and his tigress companion dance before my mind’s eye and a small smile touches the corners of my lips. His kindness extended so far as to offer me a place to rest and recover from my multi-year journey and went on to include the offer of a permanent place in the same herd he resides in. In my heart, I wished for a true friend and I believed he may become one but to my dismay he seemingly vanished after I accepted his offer to join the Falls.

A fractured heart twists, drawing a path of rippling pain across a blackened chest.

I shake my head to clear away thoughts of Ciceron and instead find myself focusing on the little foreign mare I stumbled across in these same lands I currently stroll through. Why am I always so drawn to this place? I dismiss the question immediately, I know the answer is not one I wish to hear. (I am a misfit, a broken cast off and here with the other misfits without homes I do not feel quite so alone). HildegunnHer name whispers across my mind once more and the curvature at the corners of my lips dances a smidge higher. Our adventures were not a long as I may have hoped until I felt a need to answer Ciceron’s offer properly, but I miss her. I can nearly hear her voice so great is my longing to see the small mare who is honestly my only friend in this place.

Onyx ears twitch as disbelief lights in cerulean eyes.

I hear her foreign speech dancing through the wind and hope soars bright, effortless and beautiful in my chest. My pace instantly quickens until my nostrils tell my excited brain to wait…she is not alone. The other’s voices trickle their way into my awareness and my steps slow in caution. Not a minute later I break through to where there are three mares gathered together and for a moment my eyes widen in delight upon seeing Hilde before a neutral mask forces all emotion to dissipate. Cerulean gaze sweeps across the smaller of the strangers and I am inwardly surprised at finding another similar to my height. The other mare is perhaps the most unique in that she bears scales on her points and smells of the Falls but I quickly move my thoughts along as my attention comes to rest on my friend. “Hilde” I breathe. “Det er godt å se deg” My tone is quiet as I recall the words she taught me before we last parted. Knowing I must acknowledge the others, I encompass all three in my gaze and switch to the common tongue here. “Hello, I am Vu. Who are the two of you?” Tone is soft but firm, I only speak the words necessary to communicate what I wish to know, anything else of little importance to me and I patiently (a virtue I am far too familiar with) wait to hear them all speak.

I take my endless way


OOC:Hey guys, sorry I'm tardy to the party. XD


-All magic and force are permitted barring serious injury and/or death-
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Messages In This Thread
Pretty and Practical - by Leto - 07-09-2016, 12:16 AM
RE: Pretty and Practical - by Hildegunn - 07-10-2016, 04:30 PM
RE: Pretty and Practical - by Leto - 07-11-2016, 12:13 AM
RE: Pretty and Practical - by Syrena - 07-11-2016, 02:25 PM
RE: Pretty and Practical - by Vu - 07-12-2016, 06:23 PM
RE: Pretty and Practical - by Hildegunn - 07-13-2016, 07:39 PM
RE: Pretty and Practical - by Leto - 07-13-2016, 11:42 PM
RE: Pretty and Practical - by Syrena - 07-18-2016, 08:25 AM

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