the Rift

[PRIVATE] Life is a drink, and love's a drug

Ampere The Mother of Companions Posts: 719
Dragon's Throat Sultana atk: 9 | def: 11 | dam: 4.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14 hh :: 6 years HP: 73 | Buff: DANCE
Kygo :: Green Cheek Conure :: None Blu
Hope the wound heals but it never does, that's cause I'm at war with love
Never let a wound ruin me, but I feel like ruin's wooing me
There was not an immediate reaction to his presence, at least, not the one he was expecting. Small feet clutched at the thin tines, there at the top of Gaucho's antlers, while Kygo's green head tilted sideways to set his beady gaze on the burning stallion. In another lifetime he never would have dared this feat; he would have been too wary of the serpent, too intimidated by the majestic phoenix, too uninterested in the bay warrior. On this day though Gaucho and his companions were more than themselves - they were a symbol of home, of things lost and dearly missed, and hopefully of something regained. It was that ecstasy of return that conquered the small parrot's normal fears, giving rise to a new found, and brief, courage.

It wavered as he stood amid the branch work of marrow and flame, the hell steed he rode resurging in terrific glory when Kygo's glee was not echoed back at him. With increasing uncertainty the small parrot hopped between the tines and almost questionably uttered, “Gaucho?" once more.
Kygo's gaze turned towards the phoenix that lingered like a halo above the burning man, looking for some kind of confirmation that this was home still.

Abruptly and vigorously Kygo was displaced from his perch, but already on the edge of leaving he offered no complaint as his wings picked him up. However that apparent dismissal of his presence, coupled with Gaucho's strong yell and the intimidating display of his outstretched wings, felt like some fearsome dragon had awoken. With renewed panic Kygo did his best to stave off the beast by shouting, “GO!" as if to shoo him away like Ampere so often had attempted with himself. Meanwhile Kygo took his own advice and turned to flee back into the bushes and the safety of Ampere, unaware he would lead the Wildfire right to her, or even that such was the point.

Back where Kygo had left her, Ampere was swirling in her own sea of worries and thoughts. Her heart was racing with an anxious thrill to see him again, and yet equally it thudded with an uncertain fear. If he rejected her (and gods how many good reasons he had to do so), she wasn't sure she could overcome that. For all the times she had pushed him away, cursed him, hated him, fought him, she had always still loved him (hadn't that been part of the problem?). Yet what if he had finally grown tired of her song and dance, what if he didn't have that love to return?

The weight of that possibility was crushing her, and gasping like some landed fish, she struggled for her breath.

"GAUCHO!" Kygo shouted abruptly in her mind, and Ampere reeled, her head tossed to the side as if the parrot had yelled right in her ear. Red hues and a mental snapshot of terrible, handsome, beast came into her mind's eye. She'd had no doubt it was him, but actually seeing him, even if through another's gaze, erased whatever minute doubt remained. Now it was real, now he was here, now it was time to face him, ready or not.

Well, realer - he still wasn't right here, next to her.
"GO!" Kygo blurted out, frantic and unable to process any language further than that. He'd thought the scary image of the waking fire demon would have sent Ampere running, like he was, but it seemed to instill a wistful longing instead.
That shout, devoid of Gaucho and just full of urgency instead, was the first time Ampere became alerted to Kygo's rising panic. His original feelings of delight, uneasiness, and fear had all meshed perfectly in tempo with Ampere's internal tide of emotions, but this, this flight response was different. For the first time in a long time Ampere didn't feel like turning tail and running, so why was Kygo?

Newly aware Ampere suddenly tensed. Gaucho felt like little more than a dream slipping away as she awoke; he might have been nothing more than that in this moment for all she knew, but Kygo and his hysteria were real.
“KYGO!" she called out, suddenly bolting forward, asking the bird for his whereabouts as she ran to meet him and rescue him from whatever nightmare he had found.

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Messages In This Thread
Life is a drink, and love's a drug - by Gaucho - 08-04-2016, 06:30 PM
RE: Life is a drink, and love's a drug - by Ampere - 08-05-2016, 09:30 PM

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