the Rift

The Academy :: Professors and Students Welcome!

Sikeax the Sea Soul Posts: 355
Outcast atk: 4 | def: 9 | dam: 6
Mare :: Hybrid :: 16 hh :: 5 years HP: 64.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Hobgoblin :: Common Rougarou :: Water & Seoul :: Plain White Dragon :: Toxic Breath Zuno
is biased towards tandavi as socreress because each day "hey kids look what i got now" and bam! new magic

OOC Name: Zuno
Activity Level: I'm online daily and have my skype open at almost all times, but my posting can be a bit slow sometimes. it usually doesn't take me more than a week to reply with the exclusion of the occasional busy week

Character Name: Sikeax
Herd Affiliation: Dragon's Throat
Position Applying For: Librarian, Professor of Wisdom
Reason For Applying: Sikeax is a bit uncomfortable about Helovia's history but has a huge wealth of it and has been very active IC wise since 2013 and is pretty much utd on everything big occurring during that time. I believe her being able to use her knowledge of the Helovian history would help her get over her discomfort at her past and urge her into accepting it for a bit of IC building.
She strongly enjoyed teaching healers in the DT as their Sun Physician and would be able to put her teaching skills to use in the academy.
- Long time resident of helovia(nearly 5 IC yrs)
- Has been the Sun Physician of the Dragon's Throat for about 2-3 IC yrs
- knows her shit

lastly i don't know if this could work but she could assist some with the warriors? like my idea is that she could give tips on where to hit for more devastating blows(weak points, less obvious joints, soft but tender places, et cetera) and suggest exercise ideas to build up muscles outside of fighting

you were angels,
so much more than everything

:: please tag me
:: minor force and power play allowed

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Academy :: Professors and Students Welcome! - by Sikeax - 08-25-2016, 09:03 PM

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