the Rift

The Academy :: Professors and Students Welcome!

Cera the Golden Prince Posts: 419
Outcast atk: 5.5 | def: 9.5 | dam: 4.5
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 16.3hh :: 6 Years HP: 65 | Buff: NOVICE
Ilaria :: Red Panda :: Heal Brit
OOC Name: Brit
Activity Level: Always Watching. Always.

Character Name: Cera
Herd Affiliation: Throat
Position Applying For: Professor of Wisdom
Reason For Applying: Cera has been through so. Damn. Much. Born and raised Helovian, knows of countless invasions from Midas, knows the Gods very well as well as the history of Helovia. He is very patient and an intellectual type and would be a very gentle and helpful teacher.
• Born and raised Helovian
• Son of Midas, aware of all the herds and has visited all but one
• Deep friend and family connections in different herds
• Has nearly died, killed his father's doppelganger, seen family die
• Met three of four gods
• Has been a Diviner so it was his job to teach
• He's the very best that no one ever was
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Messages In This Thread
RE: The Academy :: Professors and Students Welcome! - by Cera - 08-25-2016, 09:39 PM

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