the Rift

Help Me With Persephone - Friends, Enemies, Healers!

Persephone Posts: 45
Mare :: Unicorn :: 15.0 hh :: 6 (ages in Orangemoon)
Alecto :: Common Kitsune :: Dreams ChaoticMelodies
SO I need a few things for this girl.

1)  One really, really good friend.  Most likely, this would be a female, just because Sephie has Daddy issues.  But I want just one person who will make the poor dear feel loved and appreciated, one person who she can be herself around.  If you want to try this out, it's really important to me that their threads be relatively quick-moving (read: at least a post every week ish).  It's also important that you understand that this will be a plot line for her that will likely take place over several threads, since she's very skittish and fearful.  Ultimately it would be nice for this to culminate in something terrible happening to Persephone and then her crying/spilling her guts to the friend, and at the end she'll reveal her actual name and that will be the only person in Helovia that knows her past.

2)  At least one really terrible person that wants to beat her up/magic her into submission/treat her like crap/trick her/use her/basically remind her that people can't be trusted.  I don't really care what form this takes, just that it needs to be something that reminds her of her home, her father, and how it feels to be used.  This will then lead to her spilling her guts to the above-listed friend.

3)  I REALLY WANT HER TO BECOME A HEALER, so if you have a character that is, will be, or has been badly injured, I'd love her to stumble across them to try to help!

PLEASE help me out - and if you have other ideas, let me know.  Literally anything.  I just want to get her out and about and DOING THINGS and I'm just going to need a bit of help with that.  ;)
[Image: 5626e4bc4fe1a]
pixel by Kiara <3

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Use of force and/or magic (with the exception of death) is allowed at all times.
Persephone always goes by the alias "Cora."

Want to plot with Persephone? Visit her plot page here!

Messages In This Thread
Help Me With Persephone - Friends, Enemies, Healers! - by Persephone - 09-19-2016, 01:00 PM

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