the Rift

Grey Skies [Cass, Open?]

Cassiopeia Posts: 171
Hidden Account
Mare :: Pegasus :: 15 hands :: 8 years old

"I'm glad you decided to return." She said finally, genuinely. Cassiopeia doubted she would ever leave these lands, unless of course her lover were to join her, and even then she wasn't certain she could leave her daughters behind. Cirrus would most likely choose to remain, and Azulee was yet too young to make her own decision on the matter. The star breather had grown too acquainted with these lands, too fond of this wondrous continent, to ever so much as contemplate departure. The desert was as much her home as the land of her birth; more, actually. Helovia had nestled its way into her heart, that was for certain - something that Valryn never quite managed to do.

The only thing she could think of that would ever sever her ties with Helovia was perhaps the growing need to reunite with her sister, a desire which blossomed more magnanimously with each passing day. Perhaps when Azulee reached a suitable age she would set off looking for Adhara; that is, if Azzuen would be up to it.

He claimed to have not yet utilized his wings, but before the roan could comment, the discussion progressed, and it was her turn to profess her own recent happenings. "I am well." She responded simply. "I was attacked by a mountain lion on the beach this previous Orangemoon while I was pregnant with Azulee, which resulted in a broken wing." She wondered if he'd noticed the scars that marred her neck, shoulder and breast. "But I've since recovered." She grew silent then, pondering what to say next as a brief moment slunk by. "Since your absence, our numbers have flourished in the Throat, and our soldiers recently emerged victorious from a campaign to claim the World's Edge for Mirage and the Qian." Surely Andash would rejoin the Throat? "Unfortunately, we lost Jaydan to Mauja's forces." A melancholic chord consumed her words, and she shook her head solemnly.

Andash then mentioned having met Azulee, and the dame flicked her ears forward, somewhat surprised. Azulee pricked one ear while the other slumped backward, somewhat befuddled, and raised an eyebrow. Little was not something she would've preferred to be dubbed. Cassiopeia, noticing her daughter's faint perturbation, nudged her gently on the flanks, offering her a reassuring smile. We all go through a stage sooner or later where we wish to be grown, and it would seem that the tables turn once encountered with age. Cassiopeia often yearned to be a filly again, for she had been forced to grow up quickly, equipped with the burdens of oracular duty.

Azulee had never seen the stallion before - she was too young for him to have met her, considering the time of his leave of absence. The timelines didn't meet up. Cassiopeia shot him a peculiar glance, pondering if he perhaps had mistaken the belle for her sister. "I believe you may be confusing her with Cirrus - Azzuen and I decided on having another child." She smiled then. Much had happened since his departure, it would seem. "Cirrus is a yearling now; quite a strong young lady, if I say so myself." Azulee partially unfurled her wings, and lifted her head high. "And I'm gonna be just like her!" She declared proudly. An admiring giggle dribbled from Cassiopeia's lips, and her gaze then shifted to the puffin as he introduced the creature as Cenny.

She smiled and lowered her muzzle to the bird, blowing a friendly puff of warm air toward her. "You are a lucky stallion, Andash." She began, peering up at him. "Few will ever share a bond such as yours" Azulee snorted playfully at the puffin before Columba swooped down to alight on the damsel's withers. What a peculiar group, indeed - a puffin, a pegasus, and a living star.

Messages In This Thread
Grey Skies [Cass, Open?] - by Andash - 10-29-2012, 11:12 AM
RE: Grey Skies [Cass, Open?] - by Cassiopeia - 10-29-2012, 01:45 PM
RE: Grey Skies [Cass, Open?] - by Andash - 10-30-2012, 12:30 PM
RE: Grey Skies [Cass, Open?] - by Cassiopeia - 11-01-2012, 06:32 PM
RE: Grey Skies [Cass, Open?] - by Andash - 11-03-2012, 03:11 PM
RE: Grey Skies [Cass, Open?] - by Cassiopeia - 11-15-2012, 12:53 PM

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