the Rift

there are stars up above! * kairi plots!

Volterra the Indomitable Posts: 785
Dragon's Throat Sultan atk: 8.5 | def: 11.5 | dam: 8.5
Stallion :: Equine :: 17'2hh :: 3 HP: 80 | Buff: SENSE
Vérzés :: Common Red Dragon :: Frost Breath & Toxic Breath & Vadir :: Royal Gold Dragon :: Fire Breath & Shock Breath Snow
-softly flings Vol at-

He's soon to have a shiny new lil daughter, Vezer, so maybe Ultima could meet them both in one thread when Vol's trying to be a sweet playful papa with Vezer? He'd be mega embarrassed if somebody saw him lowering his badass aura for a moment in order to be a big goofy papa ;D

[ you can't stray from what you are, you're the closest thing to hell i've seen so far  ]
[ use of force/magic on him is permitted aside from death/maiming ]

Messages In This Thread
RE: there are stars up above! * kairi plots! - by Volterra - 10-22-2016, 06:58 AM

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