the Rift

[OPEN] i forget where we were

Aelfwine Posts: 101
Dragon's Throat Warrior atk: 4 | def: 8.5 | dam: 6
Mare :: Unicorn :: 16.1 :: 6 years HP: 60 | Buff: NOVICE
Vanya :: Common Cerndyr :: Lamplight Skylark


The doe had been venturing as of late – after her reunion with her brother and spending time with her niece Maude, she began to grow restless once again. However, after so many attempts to trying to find the Edge to no avail – she was successful this time in being able to locate her home. And that’s truly what it had grown to be, her home, welcomed as one of them with open arms. What a strange concept it had been for her after so many years of wandering aimlessly. After growing up with Tilney and so many of their siblings, only to witness the death of their beloved sister Carlisle and the mental breakdown her closest brother had endured. It was rough, and she often tried to run from her problems, but when something so serious as that happened, something in her snapped. She couldn’t stand to deal with the problems that faced her during those dark times.

And so, like all the other times, she wandered aimlessly. Aimlessly to a place the dappled mare had never been, the Heavenly Fields. The rain drizzled down gently, soaking the water beneath her cloven hooves as the clouds swirled overhead. Perhaps that was part of her more melancholy mood as of late – when things were supposed to be bright and cheerful and all she could do was sit there and dwell on the things that had gone wrong in the past. Despite having family near her, she still felt rather alone. Yet, perhaps that was for the better. Only time would truly be able to tell.

Yet, as Aelfwine trudged along the soaked grasses, she spotted a pale figure among them. Intrigued, her green gaze glued to the figure – the eyes surprisingly a mirror image of Tilney’s in their candescent verdant haze. She neared, slowing as she approached as to not startle the pale creature, adorned with many pairs of wings. “Hello.” She called out, hesitating in her steps as she lifted her heavy crown of horns higher, water dripping from each tine. She tried to offer the mare a small smile before her monochromatic body edged closer – still wary, yet quiet and vulnerable for the place where the air seemed to have a thick tension to it – almost chokingly so. With that, she moved to show more of her body in an attempt to become less of a threat, showing the dapples and dark tones of her legs as well as the brief ivory tree marking that snaked down her rump. “I hope I’m not intruding. My name’s Aelfwine.” She began, her green gaze seeking out the mare’s own gilded hues.

Roses hang like paintings of you
Oh, How beautiful you are

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Messages In This Thread
i forget where we were - by Ultima - 10-25-2016, 10:48 PM
RE: i forget where we were - by Aelfwine - 10-25-2016, 11:22 PM
RE: i forget where we were - by Toulouse - 11-02-2016, 05:12 AM

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