the Rift

Protector and Friend [Baldur/open]

Baldur Posts: N/A
:: :: ::

only a warrior knows the true meaning of war

"Here we are, Baldie!"
Her charming nickname made the stallion smile and he nudged the filly's shoulder. She had been talking non-stop since the Treshold, keeping him company. So full of energy, this gal. He had talked too, replying to her jumpy and amusing discoverings.
It was nice to be around a foal again, he had almost forgotten the feeling when a excited small creature jumped around you.
Baldur shook his big head and observed the area they had arrived to. Snowy hills, mountains in the distance... Beautiful.
It reminded him of the White Forest, except for the fact that this wasn't a forest.
He lowered his cranium to the ground and smelled the snow. The white powder here had a special smell, which he enjoyed. Home.
This was the place he would come to call home. Hopefully

"Beautiful, Wannie. This place is stunning," the Fjord replied and took in the view with his mint orbs.
Baldur took a few steps forwards, his heavy hooves made deep prints in the snow. Where was the herd? Shouldn't here be more than themselves?

Word count: 170-180 words
OOC: bleeeeh, sorry :c btw, wrote this reply on my iPhone xD never again, I tell yah..

Walk, walk, walk.
"Talk, talk, talk."
'Think, think, think.'


Messages In This Thread
Protector and Friend [Baldur/open] - by Wanyecha - 11-10-2012, 10:14 PM
RE: Protector and Friend [Baldur/open] - by Baldur - 11-17-2012, 07:27 AM
RE: Protector and Friend [Baldur/open] - by Baldur - 12-03-2012, 02:53 PM

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