the Rift

Protector and Friend [Baldur/open]

Archibald the Dauntless Posts: 386
Absent Abyss atk: 6.0 | def: 9.5 | dam: 8
Stallion :: Equine :: 18.3 hh :: 10 years HP: 80 | Buff: SHIELD
Loretta :: Alaskan Malamute :: Time Slip Time
Loretta trotted in front of her bonded, tail curling over her back. Her salmon colored tongue lolled out of her jaws, pulling down to the left. Her shoulders rolled and growing muscles clung to strong bones. The bitch was growing into a strong warrior and companion to match the Chief, and he took pride in her. Archibald had never felt any sort of emotions towards anything like what he felt for the red dog--not even his mother. Following her he let his eyes wander around the landscape. As he neared the borders the snow grew deeper and the imprints his massive hooves left grew larger.

Archibald was graced with two scents just after Loretta alerted him of their presence. Lifting a brow Archibald tilted his head and changed his direction to meet the two. One scent smelled faintly of the Foothills, but the other was completely foreign. Snorting the Chief finally set his eyes upon them. Nodding to no one except himself Archibald slowed to a walk. The Dauntless let out a bellowing neigh to announce his presence and authority.

He looked down at the filly, nothing except her scent telling him she was already a member of his herd. Next, he turned his gaze to the sun colored stallion. His body was scarred--a fighter, or just someone, like Tajheri, that ran their mouth irrationally? He could not tell. "Hello, you two." Archibald nodded curtly, face staying emotionless. His eyes, however, shone with his dominance and authority. "I am Archibald, equine Chief of the Foothills. Who might your friend be?" Archibald introduced himself then asked the filly, motioning with his muzzle to the Fjord.

Messages In This Thread
Protector and Friend [Baldur/open] - by Wanyecha - 11-10-2012, 10:14 PM
RE: Protector and Friend [Baldur/open] - by Baldur - 11-17-2012, 07:27 AM
RE: Protector and Friend [Baldur/open] - by Archibald - 11-17-2012, 03:30 PM
RE: Protector and Friend [Baldur/open] - by Baldur - 12-03-2012, 02:53 PM

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