the Rift

[OPEN] raise you like a phoenix [warrior meeting]

Arion Posts: 11
Outcast atk: 6.0 | def: 8.5 | dam: 5.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 15.3hh :: 4 HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE

THE newcomer hears the call faintly on the wind. "Fellow warriors come..." Pert ears swivel, but do not bode the head to rise from the detritus his mouth sifting through. No, instead, the muscled stallion finishes his last mouthful before leaving the copse of trees which had been his shelter while he ate.  Arion was on the other side of the Basin from where the call had been given out and so he set himself at a brisk, extended trot in an effort to make up lost time. The bulky stallion didn't feel a particularly hurried because it wasn't as if this herd was large enough to inspire true officiality. However, it wouldn't do for a soldier asking to be a Corporal to be late to a strategist's meeting. It was a far better plan, in the end,  to keep on everyone's good side until you knew what good side was the right side.

He's just made it over the crest of a small hill when he spots the black mark which had called him. The body's shape was as he'd remembered; hairy, strong, lithe, and with an intelligent tilt to his eyes. Really, the other stallion was everything anyone would expect a General to be, if only a little young. While he was certain the buck wouldn't have been given his position if he wasn't well suited to it Arion did have to admit it communicated a great lacking in numbers of the herd. Oh, little sister, how have you found yourself in yet another dying home? What can we possibly do to revive this place? I am but new and yet unused to the politics of this strange land.

The Erithos Empire hadn't been dying precisely, it had just been stagnated. Horses had become complacent with their spot on top, they'd started accepting too much and pushing away too little, they'd been choked out by their own superiority. The stallion had only heard rumors so far, but it would seem as if this was precisely what had happened here. He felt a pang of sympathy for his sister.

You see, the stallion was well aware of what was necessary to forge a thriving empire. It is not just love and prosperity. No, because you cannot have prosperity and warm feelings without force. There must be energy, power, strength, and most importantly involvement. The leaders must not be so rarely seen that a herd forgets it's purpose. Without a lead walking about, greeting their citizens during daily interactions, a group will slack. They will stop working together. They will form cliques. Really, everything goes to pure shit. Unless, of course, the seconds and lower downs could fanangle their way out of apathy and forge a herd for themselves.

It was a big requirement for a buck such as this one before Arion. The older, shorter stallion stops before his superior with his blue eyes alight with expectation and amusement. His voice comes friendly but curt, "Greetings General, how might I be of service?" This meeting would be interesting, to say the least, and would most definitely determine the amount of faith he held in the future of his new home.


OOC: I was unsure if you wanted this set after his first spar since its not over yet so I just like -didn't- mention it, lol. I can add it in for later posts though. Whatever works. 


@Erebos @Beloved

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RE: raise you like a phoenix [warrior meeting] - by Arion - 12-26-2016, 09:42 PM

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