the Rift

[OPEN] raise you like a phoenix [warrior meeting]

Erebos Posts: 474
Aurora Basin General atk: 7.5 | def: 11.5 | dam: 6.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.1hh :: Four HP: 75.5 | Buff: DANCE
Orsino :: Plain Kitsune :: Dark Illusions & Enyo :: Common Griffon :: Draining Clutch Heather

If they thought he was a fool, a dunce, inept and silly, they didn’t bother to mention it (something in his heart, in his mind, in his soul, melted at the notion – perhaps he wasn’t doomed, damned and consigned to oblivion before he’d even truly begun). He watched as all three – one by one – began to clatter, thread, and wind their way towards their chosen targets, and the General followed them, watched in rapt fascination as they began their task. Beloved laughed, becoming the first to interact with Orsino’s saplings, eyeing him as if he’d sprouted five heads, but relishing to the assignment all the same, and his gaze settled on her demonic form as she rushed towards the unmoving trees, slashing at the limbs with her sword, watching as the green buds became nothing more than fallen stick figures, landing in the snow or falling off opposing boughs. He chose to ignore her frantic motions thereafter (perhaps she hadn’t been in the mountains long if the glacial components bothered her so much), but grinned at her from nearby, pursuing the length of her assault with pride and satisfaction. “An excellent choice,” he nodded to her, tipping his skull in recognition of her clarity, “to use the weapons already forged for us.”
Then his stare slanted towards Arion, the newly named Corporal, as he headed towards his intended target. The other beast chose a slower approach – didn’t hasten across the grounds in a wild, savage chase, didn’t rampage along the ice in vicious, abhorrent upheaval, didn’t fly at it like an unrelenting assassin. Instead, he opted for light, swift beats, and the boy watched in eerie intrigue as Arion rammed his shoulder directly into the trunk (didn’t that hurt?), bending a portion of the sapling with power and prestige. Erebos, who’d always employed two central strategies (in fighting friends, comrades, and allies, he ensured small, minute movements that didn’t lend to brutality, and in engaging foes and adversaries, always instigated and antagonized with blunt, contemptuous assaults), was curious, questioning, over the leisurely pace Arion had set. Did he use the time to analyze his opponent? Or had it taken him long to prepare the appropriate assault? “An interesting decision,” the warrior said, lending the conviction of his experience slide into the arena, stare ghosting over the broken tree, “But take heed when the enemy is larger than you.” Then he grinned again, immersed in mischief, listening to the foreshadowed cackle of Orsino blistering through their connection.
Thereafter, only Albrecht remained – and Erebos’ smile was the largest for the elderly stag as he opted to join them in their escapades, content, satisfied, thrilled that he’d chosen to take part. It was necessary to know how to defend oneself, and the movements, though lethargic and brittle, showed much more cunning – because the boy noticed the evident difference in ivories as they crunched into bark and wood. “Now there’s a handy device,” he laughed through the hum and echo of power, not at Albrecht, but with surprise, with amusement, with a wildness seeping through his bones, along his veins. He even seemed to hum with pride, for them, this comically small group of warriors and phantom who had taken it upon themselves to become something more for their empire; for that alone, they should’ve been commended.
The youth wandered down the row to the last remaining tree, eyed it squarely for a moment, then placed his maw against its hardy structure, barely blinking an eye when the soft, minute glimpse of his touch caused it to burst into flame. The fire crackled along his ears, roared in petulance, in defiance, and he smiled once more, Cheshire and seditious, offered his attention only to those gathered, fervent and eager for the fray. “Thank you! I’m pleased to see we all had different maneuvers. You need to have an array of abilities when facing an enemy, because you never know what they’re going to do next.”
On cue, Orsino’s magic stirred again, rendering the saplings back and whole, as if they’d never been touched by enchantments, by gnawing teeth, blunt force, or horns. They didn’t bend, they didn’t bleed, they didn’t crackle – tangible and real and defiant, but altered in appearance. For Beloved, the tree grew more and more limbs, until it seemed to be a towering mess of appendages and buds, like a Hydra, sprouting arms from fallen limbs. For Arion, the sapling became taller and wider, rigid and powerful within the middle, granted a supportive trunk. For Albrecht, the young tree’s bark morphed into an inflexible conundrum, unbending, unyielding, inflexible, and firm. Even Erebos’ ceased its crackling measures, no longer burnt, seemingly inflammable, a thicker core of substance lacquered to its exterior.
So the boy’s stare wandered from tree to tree, from soldier to soldier, and the grin remained. “Never underestimate your opponent,” he nodded, beseeching, encouraging them to go again.

[Post order is still a lie! Choose another move! ;D The rounds will be getting progressively harder. ;D
OOC Note: Please remember that you can’t actually dictate what happens to the trees. While ordinarily I wouldn’t mind, in this case we’re practicing what would occur in a sparring scenario. You need to use phrases such as ‘tried to’ and ‘attempted to’, because if the trees were actual roleplayers/characters, Beloved’s and Arion’s posts could be considered powerplaying.
In Beloved’s post: which snap, and sever, or dangle meekly, clinging to their posts with stringy remnants of bark and twig. If you decided your spar or challenge partner’s limbs were suddenly severed, you’d receive some serious penalties on your rubric.
In Arion’s post: A dark smile of satisfaction spreads across his visage as he feels the spine of the tree begin to bend. If you decided your spar or challenge partner’s body suddenly bent, you’d also receive penalties on your rubric.
So, next time, please make sure to utilize careful phrasing. It’d be better to say ‘Beloved tried to swing her sword over a few of the limbs’ or ‘Arion attempted to shove his shoulder into the trunk’, because that allows the other roleplayer to decide what’s going to happen.
Albrecht’s was more vague, which would allow a roleplayer to be able to respond accordingly without being told what happened to their character, however, you can also practice using ‘tried to’ and ‘attempted’, etc. ;D]

clever got me this far - - then tricky got me in

image || table

@Arion @Beloved @Albrecht

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RE: raise you like a phoenix [warrior meeting] - by Erebos - 01-07-2017, 02:43 PM

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