the Rift

things .u n s a i d. [open]

Ambrosius Posts: N/A
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You and I get so, damn dysfunctional we stopped keeping score

Normally the dark colored stallion liked to be able to feel the warm prickling of the spring time sun beating down on his back, telling the world that the wonderful, lustful season was slowly growing closer. But since he joined the Plague Ambrosius noticed that he began to grow less and less heat tolerate, his pupilless eyes growing accustom to the brightness of the uv rays beating off of the snow but not quite used to the dullness of the ground when he steps off of the Steppe. Because of this the ebony stallion and his ivory tipped horn didn’t tend to stray from the lands as often as he used too.
Sometimes of course it was a pain, dealing with the same equine every day, especially since the grey mare had brought in that rat the disgusting creature was hornless and wingless. Ambro didn’t agree well with either of those races and they caused his stomach to toss and turn in knots and his pupilless pools to turn a dark shade of crimson, a wonderful mix between his lustful phase and that of the deadly side of the sleek stallion. His sides rose and fell slowly with each breath that expelled the cloud of steam from his rosy velvets as he paced across the Steppe, wanting to get as far away from the scent of that creature as he possibly could before he could just stand somewhere and relax, think over what his next plan to cause chaos would be.
A flicker of a smirk grazed across his rosy velvets before disappearing once more, there was so much wrong with the world of Helovia…the main problem being that there was way too many of the speices other than his perfect one. Tossing his ivory dipped horn into the sky he broke his slow easy walk into a quick trot that ate up ground almost as quickly as his rocking horse like canter. A squeal tore through the air and pierced his forward perked harks. Curiousity lit up in the depths of his odd pools as he turned his cranium in the direction of the squeal, listening for any signs that it was something worth investigating, or if he should just continue on his merry way and find that nice place to tuck in for a short nap. His pools landed on a dark figure moving across the horizon before it stopped and hung it’s crown low, as if defeated almost.
Ambrosius wanted to fight his urge and go away, leave the creature be, but his curiosity got the better of him and the only thought that trailed through his wicked mind was, ”Damn, I’m glad I’m not a cat..” Trotting until he got much closer to the other equine, he slowed his pace down to an easy walk when the femme’s perfume reached his delicate nares. Psyche, the dark colored femme, her thick tresses braided through with the teeth and feathers of the skyrats that she had slain a slow smile stretched across his rosy features. For a femme, the bitch was strong and not one that he would ever want to cross. His only kill had ever been a unicorn mare, or at least that was the only one that he took down as note-worthy. She hadn’t been a very good specimen of their species anyhow and Mother Nature just decided to use him as the pawn in her death.
Growing closer to the femme the stallion let loose a low nicker before stopping a safe distance away from her and lowering his cranium just slightly. He showed the respect that a femme of her stature deserved, but not as much as he would if the femme had a pair of testicles. Lifting his cranium he locked his odd pools on her bright amber ones and allowed his baritones to fall from his velvets. ”Lady Psyche, is there something the matter?” His lyrics carried a charming tone to them that was present even when he found himself in times of great violence, his properness seemed to assist him in this department from time to time as well. Ambrosius forced a look of worry and care into his pale pools as he awaited the once great Queen’s response to his questioning.


[Word Count: 714 ]
[Notes: Bleck, I’m not sure how I feel about it. He’ll probably wind up hitting on her by the time this thread is over xD such a ham sometimes. ]

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Messages In This Thread
things .u n s a i d. [open] - by Psyche - 11-17-2012, 04:02 PM
RE: things .u n s a i d. [open] - by Ambrosius - 11-19-2012, 09:26 PM
RE: things .u n s a i d. [open] - by Psyche - 11-19-2012, 11:33 PM

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