the Rift

Come, Little Lamb [Nayati, Open]

Nayati Posts: 116
Mare :: Equine :: 14.3hh :: four years
Rathunax :: Common Red Dragon :: Shock Breath cailyn

you show me how to see that nothing is whole and nothing is broken

Spindly legs had not stopped since the moment they had been nudged up and into motion. Svetlana was an adult with the stride of one to match, but Nayati had not wavered in her determination to stay by her side. All the while her mind had swirled with thought, gazing trustingly at the snowy colored savior every once in a while. Already Nayati was feeling her love attaching to Svetlana like an invisible ribbon. Such a powerful mare, Nayati could tell strength better than she could the weather after hiding away from punishing blows. Even with this strength to her aid, Svetlana had been soft and kind in ways Nayati had never experienced. The little filly would follow her to the ends of the earth for this simple act of kindness and protection. This showed plainly in her ruby chocolate eyes every time her eyes would lift to look at the ebony eyes.

The toil had taken its toll from her maliciously, but Nayati would continue on until she collapsed if it meant Svetlana would love her and continue to speak so softly. Every step had pushed liquid life from the more gruesome wounds, the one that troubled her most being along her right flank, making walking hard. Snow had cooled the blood along her legs and numbed them from pain, but they were still red and obvious on her thin legs. Little head drooped and tiny chest trembled as her lungs tightened painfully, objecting the cold weather. Wheezing coughs appeared in short bursts that rattled her frame, but her eyes never lost the adoring look in them for Svetlana. By the time she announced their arrival, Nayati was exhausted and dizzied. Even so she smiled innocently up at the pegasus, never having felt so strongly in her gratitude.

The shadows have lengthened and as the minutes tick by it grows steadily colder, yet there is much less snow here protected by the mountains. Nayati was relieved knowing she wouldn't have to push her entire body through drifts of snow up to her neck. Nayati watches both in awe and curiosity as a black wing sweeps the snow away to reveal deadened earth. Looking back up at her words, shaken with the intensity of the love she felt for Svetlana as she whispered quietly into her ears. Nickering softly, unable to find words, and reaching her neck up as tall as she could to press her tiny muzzle to the dark gray of the beautiful doll.

Thin legs tremble as she moves and sinks low to the ground beneath Svetlana. Curling around one of her legs, feeling small in this great big world she had seen so little of. It normally would have frightened her or incurred another panic attack, but Svetlana's presence had chased away every demon and cackling shadow that normally would have her slipping into delirium with panic. Permission to question her is taken hesitantly, something Nayati isn't used to at all. When at last she speaks, she makes it count. "They...They like me?" Wanting to know if she would be chased away as Mother did when she wished to play with the other foals. Hoping that this herd Svetlana spoke of wouldn't prejudice her in the same way.

the rose shadows said that they loved the sun, but they also loved the dark, 
where their roots grew through the lightless mystery of the earth. the roses said: you do not have to choose. 

Messages In This Thread
Come, Little Lamb [Nayati, Open] - by Svetlana - 11-19-2012, 08:43 PM
RE: Come, Little Lamb [Nayati, Open] - by Nayati - 11-19-2012, 11:31 PM
RE: Come, Little Lamb [Nayati, Open] - by Svetlana - 11-20-2012, 06:51 PM
RE: Come, Little Lamb [Nayati, Open] - by Nayati - 11-20-2012, 08:05 PM

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