the Rift

A small heart in a big world [Newcomer]

Adira Posts: N/A
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As Adira slept she could still feel snow settling on her. It made her dream cold and bitter. Horses were trudging though the snow. The never ending snow. She watched horses getting grey and weak and then disappear. She watched foals appear out of no where,and they to grew old and disappeared. But they never escaped the snow. It kept falling and falling. And never stopped. But then,out of no where,she could hear a faint noise. The noise grew louder as her dream kept going to the point that she woke to see curious eyes looking down upon her.

She staggered to her hoofs and looked up as snow tumbled of her back,her ears flat back. A pure white cat like body was above on the branch above her. Its grayish eyes peered down at her with curiosity. Snow fell down on her as she realized that the creature must have cleared the snow on the branch to make a better place for sitting. If only it was better for those down below. She snorted and dodged out the way of the falling snow. When the snow had stopped coming down she looked back at the creature,this time with pricked ears. I wonder what its name is. She mused over this while studying the creature. It had small scales and slightly larger ones from its neck, though its tummy all the way to the end of its tail. Her curiosity grew even more. I wonder who,if anyone,it belongs to? She flicked her tail and shook her head,her chain shaking with her. She stood up taller,holding her wings out which made her look more powerful then what she actually was. She hadn't meet anything like it. She didn't know if they could talk,if they were aggressive. But she was going to find out.

"Hello little creature. I am Adira. Who are you? Where do you come from?" She pricked her ears,waiting and hoping for a replay as well as bracing herself. For all she knew it could attack her. She shook herself again,ridding her of the snow again and looked up again whilst wrapping her wings back around herself.

Messages In This Thread
A small heart in a big world [Newcomer] - by Adira - 11-20-2012, 12:38 PM
RE: A small heart in a big world [Newcomer] - by Adira - 11-20-2012, 01:41 PM
RE: A small heart in a big world [Newcomer] - by Adira - 11-20-2012, 02:29 PM
RE: A small heart in a big world [Newcomer] - by Adira - 11-20-2012, 05:24 PM

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