the Rift

[OPEN] The ants went marching

Yael Posts: 186
World's Edge Seer atk: 7.5 | def: 11 | dam: 2.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14.2 :: 39 - appears 8 HP: 63.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Zani :: Serval :: None Astor
like a jar, you housed infinite tenderness
and infinite tenderness shattered you
Silence falls; the eerie stillness conveys far more about the somber event than words ever could, and Yael remains still as the others melt away. Perhaps she is now too empathetic with the bugs - after all, had she not just eagerly offered up on invertebrate as dinner for another? Hunger is a universal emotion. They all must eat to survive, but what or rather, whom they eat is a choice each can make freely. But avarice in spiders and protection in ants (aside from a group mentality, which, much like bees, seemed to be limited to the warriors) was unusual. And they killed the Queen. For power. For a power which (if it was anything like the event some thirty-odd years ago) now lays within her.

Yael has been entrusted with it. And in this, she takes her role very seriously, much as she did before. There is a kinship of sorts amongst good mothers, amongst noble and protective Queens who would give their lives for their children if necessary. The little golden Ima chooses to believe that is the reason the Ant Queen’s magic came to her.

A swishing sound, the movement of limbs through water, draws her attention to the foals who’d sought relief in the pool. She pivots and watches as a rather gangly, sand-colored colt comes out and begins to inspect his battle wounds. In tandem with his, a dull burning seem to spread across her body and she grimaces. Yes, they were safe, but a little worse for the wear. Some cool mud would be nice and soothing - perhaps the children would like some too? Yael takes a few steps towards the colt and fillies, should they choose to stick around. “Are you all ok? I’m Yael.” A gentle smile stretches across her face as a lilted voice floats towards them.

Maybe they could get the introductions over with quickly, and then all take a nice roll in the mud.

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Messages In This Thread
The ants went marching - by Patrick - 02-04-2017, 11:11 PM
RE: The ants went marching - by Yael - 02-07-2017, 12:33 PM
RE: The ants went marching - by Maude - 02-07-2017, 02:41 PM

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