the Rift

Chimney Sweep

Lena the Songbird Posts: 663
Aurora Basin Time Mender atk: 4 | def: 10.5 | dam: 6.5
Mare :: Unicorn :: 15.3 :: 6 HP: 69 | Buff: NOVICE
Imogen :: Common Kitsune :: Fire Heather
Perhaps a stretch, but Deimos blocks himself.

You were recruited by a mad scientist…But you already knew what was in store for you, didn't you? - If you believe Mauja is a mad scientist, he was recruited by him. He certainly knew what was in store.

You don't often start things, do you? But you certainly finish them. - Deimos kills things - "finishing" them.

Your colouring will both go through and not go through the Green Glass Door. - Depending on what word you put in, but "dark" will go through and not go through.

Your species will not go through the Green Glass Door. - Unicorn.

Your gender will. - Stallion

Messages In This Thread
Chimney Sweep - by Phaedra - 11-25-2012, 11:59 AM
RE: Chimney Sweep - by Xanthos - 11-25-2012, 12:09 PM
RE: Chimney Sweep - by Lena - 11-25-2012, 12:27 PM
RE: Chimney Sweep - by Phaedra - 11-25-2012, 01:29 PM
RE: Chimney Sweep - by Kri - 11-25-2012, 02:01 PM
RE: Chimney Sweep - by Phaedra - 11-25-2012, 02:19 PM
RE: Chimney Sweep - by d'Artagnan - 11-25-2012, 04:22 PM
RE: Chimney Sweep - by Phaedra - 11-25-2012, 05:12 PM
RE: Chimney Sweep - by Psyche - 11-25-2012, 05:45 PM
RE: Chimney Sweep - by Phaedra - 11-25-2012, 06:25 PM
RE: Chimney Sweep - by Evers - 11-25-2012, 06:37 PM
RE: Chimney Sweep - by Phaedra - 11-25-2012, 06:41 PM
RE: Chimney Sweep - by Xira - 11-25-2012, 07:55 PM
RE: Chimney Sweep - by Phaedra - 11-25-2012, 08:02 PM

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