the Rift

[OPEN] WTH are you?[Hatching]

Idolum Posts: 11
World's Edge Mare
Mare :: Pegasus :: 17 :: 2
Sospes :: Common Zephyr :: Roc .A.
dreams in which i'm dying are the best i've ever had
The mare wandered aimlessly, picking off tall grasses here and there with her teeth.  The sun was high in the sky, warming her ebony back as a chilly wind made her locks drift back and forth.  Her bonded companion wasn't far away, the Zephyr circling the sky in attempt to spot prey.  She kept on eye trained on the black blur, her own feathered wings itching to join him in flight.  Her growling stomach kept her grounded, however, as she begrudgingly gave in and grazed.   Although her presence in this place was barely a season old, she has found moments of peace.  The cliffs were her favorite place, and it is where she finds solace during the night.  Crashing of salty waves and the moon reflecting the ocean made the awful time more bearable.  Finally, there is more things then flowers to bring her comfort during her nightmarish sleep.

Idolum, we are not alone.

Sospes' voice interrupted her thoughts of the cliffs, her head jerking upwards.  Wings spread, she was ready to spring upwards should whoever was close held less then honorable intentions.  But the figure in the distance seemed distracted.  Anxiety swirled around her decision to approach the stranger, but she had to meet more of those who also called this place home.  Each step she took brought her closer to having to face the stranger, but she timidly called out a greeting.

"Hello?"  Sospes landed on her withers, turning and cleaning his windswept feathers. The bird seemed unfazed by the stranger, but he has never had a reason to fear strangers.  His kind personality always shone forward, and has always been reciprocated.  It was Idolum's awkward and strange mind that created whispers and stares.  

Her ears pricked as she noticed the broken egg on the ground.  She caught the girl's words, but they sounded like that of a child.  Albeit, she was a big child, but a child nonetheless. She stopped her advance, still a few meters away from the young filly.  "It's a griffin."  Her voice was soft, and unexpectedly warm.  Usually it held a hint of skepticism and distance, cracking with use.  But today, it held a melodic tone, quiet and....beautiful.  


OOC: @Zoeya
Figured Id throw Idolum in here :D

Messages In This Thread
WTH are you?[Hatching] - by Zoeya - 06-10-2017, 01:35 AM
RE: WTH are you?[Hatching] - by Idolum - 06-10-2017, 06:17 AM
RE: WTH are you?[Hatching] - by Alysanne - 06-11-2017, 03:37 PM
RE: WTH are you?[Hatching] - by Akriel - 06-13-2017, 11:54 PM
RE: WTH are you?[Hatching] - by Castiella - 06-26-2017, 12:40 PM
RE: WTH are you?[Hatching] - by Zoeya - 06-26-2017, 05:26 PM
RE: WTH are you?[Hatching] - by Sansa - 06-26-2017, 11:05 PM

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