the Rift

[OPEN] You might Glitter, but I am Gold

Safiri Posts: 18
World's Edge Filly
Filly :: Unicorn :: 14hh :: 6 months
Haki :: African Wild Dog :: Paralyze dark

The lamb is so much farther than she should be, she is disappearing from the swirling mists of her home in the same way the Goddess has, fading and trailing off into a brand new world she never before realized existed. She goes where she once thought she could not, carried downstream from her home in the mists and into a pool of all too much, of lurking shadows and emptiness - Safiri is unexpectedly alone, even while a pup clings to her withers and whimpers against the brisk cold, as she pants and sweats through an eternity of travel. The girl caught wind of the sea, salty and fresh, beckoning her to it's cold grasp by way of splashing, splattering against the cliffs of the Edge - or what was left of it - and so she answered it's call.

Safiri has traveled cautiously beside the ocean, listening to its song as she finds a place where she can reach it, where she can embrace it in the way it summons her - she is taking a break, fatigued and weakened by her travels, finding herself at a glittering lake surrounded by hunched and weeping trees that kiss the water's edge. The princess creeps forward into the large, open space, with Auni close at her heels as she admires the view before her, presented with elegance, with hidden romances and hushed greetings - the dirt beneath her petite hooves has witnessed so much more than she can ever imagine, a million lifetimes tied together beneath the trees that weep in remorse, that whisper against the wind and the lake that reflects the grey skies of Orangemoon. She cannot fathom was has happened here, what the flora surrounding her has seen, looking out upon the world with a passive perspective, silent, observant.

Entranced, the tired lamb can barely register that there is a boy before her, speckled and familiar, but she cannot place as to how - just that he is. Before him metal molds, shifting in shape, condensing, expanding, it reworks into a pointed edge, sharp and dangerous as it glimmers at his hooves. Safiri's interest piques, black tipped ears careening forward as she takes ginger steps in his direction, Haki stirring at the sound of another voice atop her back, slowly rising to look at the boy and his companion. "Wow! Your magic made this?" The fear of interaction is melting, dripping down her shoulders and sides as she admires the boy's craftsmanship, but the fatigue still shows in the way her words draw on and eyes blink slowly, gradually as she looks over the gilded blade. Safiri turns to Auni, who has caught up now, halting at her side, where it will remain stationary until she moves again, which she has no intention of doing.

Safiri is hiding her need to press herself into the side of a nearby tree, with the way sweat beads across her brow and runs over her neck, how sparkling spring green dims and her petite heart races - she has been pretending everything was perfectly okay, but as she is breathing harshly now, pushing aside the pain that pierces her sides as she takes in a sharp breath, disguising it with a little laugh. "What a cool magic! This is what mine makes," motioning to Auni, she looks back to the ebony speckled boy and grins. The lamb is settling into the panic that eats away at her, that scolds her for wandering so far, that she'll die here beneath the weeping willows - Haki whimpers into her mane, sputtering softly as though her pain is crushing down onto his shoulders, as though it's he too that suffers. She apologizes a thousand times over, more for his sake than anything else, as she turns her focus back to the boy. "What else can you make?"

a wind in the shadow, a whale song in the deep

coding: © x


Messages In This Thread
You might Glitter, but I am Gold - by Zubari - 06-28-2017, 08:02 PM
RE: You might Glitter, but I am Gold - by Safiri - 06-28-2017, 09:19 PM
RE: You might Glitter, but I am Gold - by Zubari - 07-05-2017, 02:57 PM
RE: You might Glitter, but I am Gold - by Safiri - 07-10-2017, 12:17 PM
RE: You might Glitter, but I am Gold - by Zubari - 07-11-2017, 08:37 PM

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