the Rift

In Ruin [Open]

Insanity Posts: N/A
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For a moment, she could see it, a mere fluttering of the imagination that brought him into the light from the depths of the trees. Agony crept through her stomach, bracing itself there until the entire organ twisted from the pain. His face held no emotion while deep brown eyes gazed mercilessly upon her. The mare’s eyes grew wide and small tremors worked their way along her spine, prickling her skin and causing her to turn away. However, when she looked back, it was not the dark shadow of her past and instead a small mare, whose stature was similar to her own. She was much younger than the dark mare and much more naïve from the looks of it. Her voice was exuberant and paled to compare to Insanity’s own monotonous drone.

I’ve no problem with your company…” This was said curtly, as the mare had yet to recover from her former reverie and it left her reeling with emotion. The small roan was a pretty young thing and the older mare could remember when she had been just that- beautiful. However, over the years, devastation had tainted her. It had thinned her skin, aged her bones, and colored her eyes with a red, hot passion that flamed when thoughts of Jackal arose. It was times like these that it was easy to pretend that he had never scarred her heart with his rejection, with his hurt. If only he would return to the hell from whence he came and lave her thoughts entirely, though she knew this was a futile wish that would never come true.

Glancing back to the blue, she inhaled deeply, finally welcoming her fully. “I’m Insanity, Foothills Shadow. For what reasons do you wander the Forest?” Her lips parted as if to say more before clamping shut, obviously fearful of saying too much, of seeming so little and lost despite her powerful countenance. Above, the clouds darkened the sky and the mare welcomed the rain; she could almost relish the feel of it upon her dry skin and smell the fresh scent that marked the approaching spring. This was no time to fall prey to the demons of her past, in fact, it was her chance to move forward and embrace this new life. If only it were that easy…
The night's on fire
where is your God?

Messages In This Thread
In Ruin [Open] - by Insanity - 11-23-2012, 10:50 PM
RE: In Ruin [Open] - by Aryel - 11-24-2012, 09:04 AM
RE: In Ruin [Open] - by Insanity - 11-30-2012, 10:39 PM
RE: In Ruin [Open] - by Aryel - 12-07-2012, 05:45 PM

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