the Rift

Cause you can have it all [Newhorse-Open]

Pluto Posts: N/A
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Pluto flicked up her pretty little head when she noticed the horned stranger. Finally. She set of at a brisk trot, lengthening her stride so that she would get to the stallion quicker. She arched her neck and held her tail high,as she always did. Spanning out her great blue wings,allowing her to glide along the fresh grass. As she came closer to the stallion she noticed his unusual horn. The way it stabbed though him and stuck out of his mouth made her wince,thinking of the pain he must go though every single day was enough to drive her crazy.

She halted. Looking over the body of the stallion. Neither of them said anything until he stamped his golden colored leg. Not flinching at the stallions movements she drew in her wings, adjusting her position to one which made her look taller."Hello. I am Pluto." Her voice was filled with eagerness and curiosity. The stallions unusual looks intrigued her to weather he could talk or not for she was sure he wouldn't be able to but she didn't know for sure. For all she knew he could surprise her. But,if he cant talk,then how does he tell others things they need or want to know? Pricking her ears to listen to the slightest and lifting her head she spoke again. Her voice ringing life a sliver charm,light and kind,charming in a way. "What is your name? And what is it like around here?" She knew nothing of this land,and that made it all the more exciting. Pricking her ears she waited for a sort of reply as she didn't expect him to speck. She flicked her tail up,is sign that she was looking for answers quickly.

Messages In This Thread
Cause you can have it all [Newhorse-Open] - by Pluto - 12-01-2012, 03:51 PM
RE: Cause you can have it all [Newhorse-Open] - by Pluto - 12-02-2012, 05:27 AM
RE: Cause you can have it all [Newhorse-Open] - by Pluto - 12-03-2012, 02:19 PM
RE: Cause you can have it all [Newhorse-Open] - by Pluto - 12-06-2012, 10:30 AM
RE: Cause you can have it all [Newhorse-Open] - by Tribute - 12-07-2012, 02:33 AM

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