the Rift

An Urgent Telegram [AURELIUS TO XIRA]

Tamme the Tempting Posts: 140
Mare :: Other :: 2 :: 2 HP: 9001 | Buff: Admin
Santa left his town.
Pass - Santa to me is sort of tall-ish and fat (maybe because I am short as hell?) And Aurelius isnt fat at all. He's a svelt, handsome little devil. However, the clue did sat that he "left his town", so that's okay.

Light beacons to signal departure.
Fail - maybe if you included "brecon" in your clue, but this is way too distant. All clues must be able to be right on google, not like... way into a document that you used google to fine.

Reindeer gone mad.
Pass - unicorn

Always butting heads.
Fail - Another unicorn reference, sort of. It was a bit of a stretch to have it apply to a horn type, I think.

Maybe something in water. Locals say is bitter.
Fail This clue was so... incredibly distance from anything you could find on the first page of google. Chocolate is also a metaphor for his ACTUAL coat color, so you have to go through like... multiple inception layers to end up at "bitter". Like Blu said, bitter is not associated with chocolate. Also, "something in the water" doesnt refer to Aurelius either. To me, this clue would be referring to something bitter, like trauma, that had to do with water or a mirror or something like that.

Send word on mystery.
Iffy Pass - mystery describes Aurelius according to his profile, but in the context of this stealth "mystery" referred to the entire santa leaving, reindeer, etc. It was hard to see how that would apply to personality.

Seven stops were placed within the stealth to signify his age.
Fail - The word "stop" has nothing to do with age. If there had been something entwined in the stealth that denoted age or time passing like "seasons pass" or something like that. Even "Winter. Summer. Spring. Fall. Winter. Summer...." then that would be okay.

Overall Pass but only because there were three clues that were separate and because I felt like the other clues were not purposefully misleading. However, a few clues really stood on the border of being misleading. Especially the "beacon" clue. A beacon or a light that is a signal could have been a clue for a lighter coat color, or even if a character gained gold markings before the ex-edgers left.

Messages In This Thread
An Urgent Telegram [AURELIUS TO XIRA] - by Xira - 12-01-2012, 02:28 AM
RE: An Urgent Telegram - by ali - 12-01-2012, 08:15 AM
RE: An Urgent Telegram - by Korra - 12-01-2012, 08:32 AM
RE: An Urgent Telegram - by d'Artagnan - 12-01-2012, 10:07 AM
RE: An Urgent Telegram - by Tamme - 12-01-2012, 10:48 AM
RE: An Urgent Telegram - by Xira - 12-01-2012, 12:07 PM
RE: An Urgent Telegram - by Xira - 12-03-2012, 02:34 AM
RE: An Urgent Telegram [JUDGE] - by Blu - 12-03-2012, 03:11 AM
RE: An Urgent Telegram [JUDGE] - by Blu - 12-03-2012, 12:27 PM
RE: An Urgent Telegram [JUDGE] - by Tamme - 12-03-2012, 09:47 PM
RE: An Urgent Telegram [JUDGE] - by d'Artagnan - 12-04-2012, 05:54 PM

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