the Rift

Who will guard the guards? [Grey/Aurora Basin]

d'Artagnan the Nightshade Posts: 364
Aurora Basin General atk: 6 | def: 9 | dam: 6.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 17hh :: 12 HP: 68.5 | Buff: ENDURE
Aramis :: Common Hellhound :: Hellfire & Superspeed imi
[Image: darttable2.png]


d'Artagnan was fuming. What was this thing stuck to his head?! He looked like Rudolph in a foul mood. Gone were his precious horns made of glass, not as sturdy but the shade had adapted to them and knew exactly how to utilize them to their best ability. Antlers, however, were bigger and uncomfortable. They interfered with his line of sight and were generally a distraction, he also didn't have a clue how to use them. Instead he moved along, pacing around the lake with a look of burning annoyance, growling in anger everytime he saw his reflection. What curse was this?! What had he done to earn such a humiliating punishment. Tail flicked in abrupt movements as he stomped around.


d'Artagnan's receptors swung to the shout, head adjusting with antlers in tow. The voice was faint on the breeze and rang with distant familiarity to which the shade dismissed. Any voice could seem familiar on a small wind. The merlot Doctor moved off to answer the call, moving carefully like a predator scenting it's prey. Their land was sheltered and hidden, yet it seemed easily penetrable with these frequent visitors, an odd peculiarity and one d'Artagnan wanted to change. It was after a few minutes of walking, listening and scenting that the red boy finally fell upon who had called them. A bare head and a pigeon. What idiocy. The equine was easily recognisable, the mare had healed their injured after the invasion. Tor was it? The Doctor never was brilliant with names, it required actually listening. The other d'Art did not know nor could he care less. They were on dangerous territory. "Oh look, our periodic healer has come to visit us."

Fools. They know we don't accept outsiders so why do they still come?! The fact always confused the brute. Why tempt fate, it's not like many would willingly want to venture deep into the snows. Even to find this little gem of land. It just wasn't worth the risk. d'Artagnan put it down to lack of intuition, they were mice in the eyes of an owl. "What do you want here?"

His voice was brusque, so little he cared even in a situation when it might be best to. Begrudgingly he wished Psyche was here to deal with matters like these, he was too arrogant to deal with these cases. Diplomacy never came easy, that was where Kou came in. She filled the qualities he lacked in and completed him in every way possible. Her gentle voice and calculating mind held his madness in check in turn stopping him from making mistakes. The shade on the other hand, was better suited to matters of murder and the delicate ways of killing or maiming. Kou could set up his enemies so he could finish them off. A tag team to fear if any ever caught wind. A family also, Aviya and Mesec. A filly with eyes to kill and a demi-god of untold power. Their legacy continued.

h e l l can't handle all of us

my heart’s an endless winter
              filled with rage

Use force at your own peril ;) please tag me!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Who will guard the guards? [Grey/Aurora Basin] - by d'Artagnan - 12-04-2012, 08:08 PM
RE: Who will guard the guards? [Grey/Aurora Basin] - by Avira - 12-04-2012, 08:40 PM
RE: Who will guard the guards? [Grey/Aurora Basin] - by Avira - 12-11-2012, 07:30 PM

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