the Rift

Hides behind a mask

Faelene Posts: 297
Hidden Account
Mare :: Unicorn :: 16 :: 9 Buff: NOVICE
Faelene is staying in the Basin.

Like the crow in a forest of snow and blood, Pollock
painted you well, my dear.
Between gnarled branches and charred roses, your
beloved self is growing into a tangle of
thorns and twisted ways.
(She's black like a crow. She lived in the Froststeppe (snow). Blood would refer to her mane. Gnarled branch her horn.)

Perhaps if you had been placed in an
environment more gentle, your
mask wouldn't have been necessary.
(Faelene always talks about wearing a mask/hiding her emotions)

Perhaps, if you answered the
call of friendship the
toil from times past can be forgotten, and
the gentleness known to hide
beneath those shaded layers
will be given a chance to bloom.
(shaded layers referring to her coat of dark colors)

Messages In This Thread
Hides behind a mask - by Lace - 12-05-2012, 04:17 AM
RE: Hides behind a mask - by Faelene - 12-05-2012, 03:18 PM
RE: Hides behind a mask - by Lace - 12-05-2012, 03:38 PM
RE: Hides behind a mask - by Faelene - 12-05-2012, 03:45 PM

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