the Rift

Who will guard the guards? [Grey/Aurora Basin]

Phaedra the Opulent Posts: 343
Mare :: Pegasus :: 15.3 :: 6 Buff: NOVICE
Stella :: Secretary Bird :: None Aud
[Image: 50bfc82451215]


Quite an audience had assembled, but not as many of the Aurora Basin as she would have liked. She mutely regarded Tor, as she arrived on scene only moments after Phae. This was no time for introductions - for that would make The Grey seem disbanded and haphazard. But this must be the Healer - of this, Phae had no doubt. Her intuition was solidified as Tor called out for the Unicorns of this land. The first to answer this call, was not at all what Phae had expected of the Nightshade that she had heard so much about. No indeed, for this creature had two awkward antlers stemming from his brow, and a nose so red it almost looked infected, were it not for the odd glow it seem to have. Absently, Phae's mind wondered if it was not the same meddling magic which caused her normally tawny wings to become pure white, and a glistening halo to appear above her ears. Whatever it was, it certainly detracted from the seriousness of the situation.

...our periodic healer has come to visit us - These words were spoken to Tor. Phae's ears flickered uncertainly; Wasn't Tor on their side? What was she doing running around healing everyone? Without some pain in the world, the Grey's services would not be needed. Still, she knew little of Tor or her history, and forced herself to hold her judgement, for the time being.

Next to join the gathering were Aviya and Rafe; two more members of The Grey that she was ignorant of. However, by the line which was quickly being formed between us and them, Phae quickly picked out those who she believed to be on her side, however antagonist Rafe might seem. He spoke in a deep voice, pointing out the Basin's lack of leadership and short comings when it came to keeping their herd in check, and safe. Phae nodded as these words were spoken, looking pointedly at d'Artagnan, hoping these words were making an impact, and not simply falling on racist-ears.

Another pegasi had arrived, though said nothing. Phae furrowed her brow slightly, unsure of his place in The Grey, but again, said nothing to this affect, and let none of it show on her face. Her momentary confusion was broken quickly by the appearance of another Basin member. Her heart caught quickly in her chest as she recognized the red-haired mare instantly: Faelene. Friend to Tolio, and complicated love of Leander - both of whom she had had highly emotional interactions with. Tolio's had left a mark upon her heart, while Leander had only left her wings bloody. She had desperately wanted to speak to Faelene, to talk with her separately about The Grey, and the place that she and Tolio might have...but this was not the place. For a moment, despair etched her features as her mind unravelled different scenario's in which the choices that the two groups made now, negatively impacted the bond between Phae and Tolio. Biting her lip hard enough to draw blood in order to mask this pain, she sharply turned towards the dark mare, regarding her with a jaded and guarded green gaze. "There are many acceptable forms of payment: Herbs, amulets, crafted items..." Phae did not mention the few other alternatives, such as an alliance or shelter. Surely no alliance would be struck between the racist group, and The Grey; Now represented by 1 equine, 3 pegasi, and only 1 unicorn; and with BirdSong arriving, the Deep Forest suited them just fine. "However, with the resourcefulness your herd has demonstrated, i'm sure we can come to an understanding."

Phae's eyes glittered dangerously as she considered the delicate arts that the Grey had at their disposal. They could move faster than a herd; move un-noticed. They were not restrained by the young and the old, as the Aurora Basin was already beginning to be. They had no sick, nor any weak within their midst. They could provide results. Surely the Aurora Basin could see that, and view a possible partnership with the Grey as a business venture, rather than an alliance?

I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you
And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah

 HP: 45.5

Messages In This Thread
RE: Who will guard the guards? [Grey/Aurora Basin] - by Avira - 12-04-2012, 08:40 PM
RE: Who will guard the guards? [Grey/Aurora Basin] - by Phaedra - 12-05-2012, 11:25 PM
RE: Who will guard the guards? [Grey/Aurora Basin] - by Avira - 12-11-2012, 07:30 PM

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