the Rift

Pinpointed Arrow

Athena2 Posts: 48
Dragon's Throat Pupil
Mare :: Pegasus :: 15.1hh :: 4 Years 8 Months

Peaceful form moved leisurely over the budding greens of Birdsong. Lengthy leonine tail swaying pleasantly behind dull golden body, playful wings at the tip fluttering cheerily. Hazel eyes swept the familiar views of the Threshold happily. Frostfall made Athena change from a pleasant mare to a smallish creature. Frost and ice took away the plants she loved so dearly, and made her shiver with the intensity of its fury this year. Birdsong was her favorite season by far. Her plants were returning under her tender care, as she had plenty of time for a task many found strange. Not too cold but not too warm. Absolutely perfect. Her spirits were high and she felt particularly lucky on this morning.

Silence was disturbed by the cursing of another voice, obviously feminine. Calm face became amused as she came upon the scene, quickly realizing what had happened. Nickering softly to announce her presence, keeping posture relaxed and unthreatening. "They do get in the way at times, do they not?" Laughing softly, though it was clear that Athena was not laughing at the golden girl. Of course not. The mare simply enjoyed such a beautiful day, especially with the possibility of making another friend. Andash had not been around as of late and Aryel was energetic and determined, so Athena was rather lacking in friends. "I'm Athena, from the Dragon's Throat in the south. Let me welcome you to Helovia. Can I guide you in any way?"

Athena knew many recruiters merely spoke of their own herd, praising it. The mare found that ridiculous. It was always best to know all your options before deciding.

Messages In This Thread
Pinpointed Arrow - by Searuh - 12-02-2012, 10:38 PM
RE: Pinpointed Arrow - by Athena2 - 12-08-2012, 12:10 PM
RE: Pinpointed Arrow - by Searuh - 12-23-2012, 08:55 PM
RE: Pinpointed Arrow - by Athena2 - 12-24-2012, 02:17 PM
RE: Pinpointed Arrow - by Searuh - 12-30-2012, 03:22 AM
RE: Pinpointed Arrow - by Athena2 - 01-01-2013, 08:21 PM

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