the Rift

[BASIN] Fear the wolf that has no mercy [Open]

Lupus Posts: 118
Aurora Basin Soldier
Stallion :: Other :: 77cm :: 1


~ Pure Wolf ~

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Prowling around in the small opening he had taken the birds life in he waited. And waited. No one had appeared. Nothing at all. He could hear the distant call of more foolish birds. If I wasn't waiting for something else to happen,I would have all of you by the neck,tearing you feathers of,one by one. The great brute pictured the mess there would be. Small bones scattered everywhere,lone feathers,blood stained grass. A hint of cruelness shone in his eyes as he though about it,but he was soon distracted.

Picking up the scent of a horse Lupus lifted himself to all fours,waiting patiently for a horse to emerge from the trees. Soon enough a black figure showed. A owner of a bent,twisted horn,blood red mane falling over its jet fur. Lifting his head he growled slightly,not in fear but to keep the horse 'in line' to suit himself. Letting the growl die down he took a ginger step towards the horse at a slight angle,cocking his head to the side in curiosity but keeping his ears twisted back. "Hello Unicorn,I am Lupus.And you are?" His voice was cold but friendly as he inquired for the horned mares name. He was calm in the presence of the mare,it was just him,a wolf,and her. Just him. One wolf. How common was it that a wolf was on its own? Not very."And if your wondering why I am alone,and not in a pack then it is because my mother died and I never found my father-and am in exile from my previous herd. Foolish horses,I risked my life for them. " It was like he could almost read Faelene's mind. He wondered what the horses reaction would be. Laughter? Pity? Each horse had a different reaction. He only had one aim,and if the mare was only going to slow him down,he would leave. He pretended to be distracted by his thoughts and not very interested in her but really,he was as curious as a foal.

"blah blah blah."

Messages In This Thread
Fear the wolf that has no mercy [Open] - by Lupus - 12-10-2012, 03:57 PM
RE: Fear the wolf that has no mercy [Open] - by Lupus - 12-11-2012, 02:09 AM

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